The Best Adm. Alynna Nechayev Quotes

Admiral: Captain, I've read the report you submitted to Admiral Brooks last year... regarding the Borg you named Hugh. And I've been trying to figure out why you let him go.
Captain: I thought I made my reasons clear.
Admiral: As I understand it, you found an injured Borg at a crash site, brought it aboard the Enterprise. Studied it. Analysed it. And then eventually, found a way to send it back to the Borg with a program that would have destroyed the entire Collective once and for all. But instead, you nursed the Borg back to health, treated it like a guest, gave it a name and then sent it home. Why?
Captain: Once Hugh was separated from the Borg Collective he began to grow and evolve into something other than an automaton. He became a person. When that happened, I felt I had no choice but to respect his rights as an individual.
Admiral: Of course you had a choice. You could have taken the opportunity to rid the Federation of a mortal enemy. One that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people and may kill even more.
Captain: No-one is more aware of the danger than I am. But I am also bound by my oath and my conscience to uphold certain principles. And I will not sacrifice them in order to...
Admiral: [interrupting] Your priority is to safeguard the lives of Federation citizens. Not to wrestle with your conscience. Now I want to make it clear, that if you have a similar opportunity in the future... an opportunity to destroy the Borg... you are under orders to take advantage of it. Is that understood?
Captain: [rising from his desk] Yes sir.
[Nechayev leaves without saying another word]

Admiral: As someone once said: "Diplomacy is the art of the possible."

Admiral: Evek manages to make the Cardassians sound like helpless sheep being preyed on by Federation wolves.