The Best Akaji Maro Quotes

Boss: [in Japanese; subtitled] Boss Tanaka! What is the meaning of this outburst? This is a time for celebration.
Boss: [in Japanese; subtitled] And what exactly are we celebrating? The perversion of our illustrious council?
Boss: [in Japanese; subtitled] Tanaka, have you gone mad? I will not tolerate this! You're disrespecting our sister! Apologize!
O: [in Japanese; subtitled] Tanaka-san, of what perversion do you speak?
Boss: My father...
[to Benta]
Boss: along with yours...
[to Ozawah]
Boss: and along with yours, started this council. And while you laugh like stupid donkeys, they weep in the afterlife over the perversion committed today.
Boss: Outrageous! Tanaka, it is you who insults this council!
[Throws rag at him]
Boss: Bastard!
Boss: [Throws rag back] Fuck face!
O: Gentlemen! Tanaka obviously has something on his mind. By all means, allow him to express it.
Boss: I speak of the perversion done to this council... which I love... more than my own children, by making a Chinese Jap-American half-breed bitch its leader!
[O-Ren quickly runs across the table and cuts off his head]