The Best Allanon Quotes

Allanon: Only a king knows the weight of a crown. Thirty years ago, I stood on a very similar circumstance beside your father.
Ander: Did you have any words of inspiration for him?
Allanon: Don't fail.

Wil: Allanon! Perfect timing, as usual.
Allanon: I wish I could say the same for you but the idea was to get here before the demons arrived!
Wil: [to Amberle] See? I told you he'd be happy to see us.

Allanon: She believes her cause to be just. But like all leaders, her judgement is clouded by ambition.
Ander: Sounds like I should be worried.
Allanon: A wiser king always is.

Wil: Look, she could've killed us in the woods or the Rover Camp. Why come all the way here to do it?
Amberle: Maybe she has a flare for the dramatic. It doesn't matter, Allanon and I saw her with our own eyes.
Allanon: Eyes aren't impervious to deception.
Wil: That's Druid-speak for maybe you should reconsider.

Amberle: As much as I'd love to see you rot in that cell, the Ellcrys says you're part of the quest.
Eretria: What the hell is an Ellcrys?
Amberle: Lover-Boy can fill you in.
Wil: [to Allanon] I can't do this without you.
Allanon: You are a Shannara, Wil. Never forget that. When you learn how to unlock the power of the elfstones the demons won't stand a chance.
Wil: [Looks at Amberle and Eretria] Yeah, it's not the demons I'm worried about.

Wil: If you have doubts that Eretria did it why didn't you tell her?
Allanon: For the same reason you didn't tell her that you slept with the Rover-girl. It does not serve our mission.
Wil: You seriously have to stop with the mind-reading!

Amberle: What makes you think Wil and I can do anything to stop them?
Allanon: Because you share a destiny. A greater purpose.
Amberle: Yet, if you're wrong...
Allanon: The events leading us to this moment have been unfolding for centuries. Wil lies here because he has yet reconcile who he is with whom the stars already know him to be. You ran the Gauntlet trying to find your place in life, and yet destony had already found it for you. Everything, all of this, is not happening because of you; it is happening to you, and the soon you accept that, the better.

Wil: So I'm supposed to use Elfstones I don't have to protect a princess who doesn't want to be found from a demon horde bent on laying waste to the world? And even if I succeed, which is entirely doubtful, my life could still be doomed because magic will have fried my brain.
Allanon: Hmm.
Wil: I liked it better when we didn't talk.

Arion: If you really are a Druid, prove it. Show us some magic.
Allanon: I don't do tricks.