Top 20 Quotes From Amanda

Sam: Okay, Amanda, what else do you got in that magic bag?
Amanda: [laughing] Anything from cold sores to cold wars.
Sean: Cool. Let me be the first to say, you'd be a real asset to this school.
Haley: And you can help me with the yearbook.
[which doesn't go down well with Amanda]

Hilda: Just out of curiosity, what the heck are you doing here in the middle of a school week?
Amanda: I need help studying for my witch's license. If I flunk this test, I'll lose my magic powers. Please, would you help me?

Haley: So, what do you do for fun?
Amanda: You're looking at the witch who put the hole in the ozone layer.
Sean: Wow,
[patronizing: ]
Sean: I didn't know girls could do stuff like that.
Amanda: Well, you don't know this girl.

Amanda: Okay, let's go down to that club and witch-slap this guy.
Sabrina: Oh, we don't have to go. He was just here.
Amanda: What? What happened? Are you okay?
Sabrina: I'm fine, it's all taken care of. He won't be bothering me anymore.
Amanda: Oh, I'm so relieved.
[hugs Sabrina]
Sabrina: You know, we should make it a point to hang out more often. And not just when one of our lives is at stake.
Amanda: Yeah, I'd like that.

Amanda: My parents let me eat ice cream whenever I want. My nanny said it would rot my teeth so I put her in a jar.
Sabrina: You know you should really find other ways of dealing with people.
Amanda: What's that supposed to mean?
Sabrina: Just that, you know you don't have to put everyone you don't like in a jar.
Amanda: That's what my psychologist said, so I put him in a jar.

Amanda: [smoky explosion] Hey, wanna join me for an emergency trip to Paris for silver hooped earrings?
Sabrina: [waving smoke away] Uh, no, thanks, it already feels like a French bistro in here. Besides, I'm working on an article.
Amanda: Ugh. Snooze.
Salem: Actually not, for a change. You see, this thug night-club owner threatened our little Lois Lame over here...
[Sabrina: ]
Salem: Oh, I hate it when you cut me off!

Sabrina: [smoky explosion in kitchen] Amanda, is that you?
Amanda: [emerging from smoke cloud] Yeah. You know, I've been so bored, I thought I'd come by and hang out with someone cool.
Sabrina: Oh, well, I'm kinda busy right now.
Amanda: Actually, uh, I was talking about Salem. Hey, little buddy.
[goes over to greet him]
Salem: [coughing] This place is smokier than the bathroom in an all-girls school.
Sabrina: Yeah, what's with the flashy entrance? I mean, you may think coming in here in smoke looks cool, but it's a disgusting habit.
Amanda: Ugh, yeah, remind me to start listening again when the PSA is over.
Sabrina: You're right, I'm not your mother. I shouldn't tell you what to do. Oh,put your hair back.
[tries adjusting her niece's hairstyle]
Sabrina: Why hide such a beautiful face?
[Amanda wards her off]

Haley: Hi. You must be Amanda. Are you a new student here?
Amanda: [scoffs] I hope not.
Haley: You're negative. I used to be negative. Now I just wanna make a good impression and have people like me for the positive, uplifting person that I am.
Amanda: [unimpressed, gets up] Good luck with that.
Haley: Thanks.
[clock chimes]
Haley: Time for class. Are you sitting in?
Amanda: Wouldn't miss it.
Haley: Great. You can sit right next to me. The seat is always empty.
[goes off]
Amanda: [sarcastically] What a shock.

Sabrina: [after Amanda has been subjected to Growing Up spells] So now that you've blossomed are any older and wiser.
Amanda: I sure am! Wise enough I'm wanna stay a kid as long as I can.
Sabrina: Wonderful!
Amanda: And since I'm a kid, I don't need a boyfriend!
Sabrina: Perfect! I have finally done a spell and it turned out the way it should!
Amanda: And in the spirit of staying young, I'm gonna cut your hair.
[Amanda points at Sabrina and cuts her hair with magic]
Sabrina: [examines her shorter, messed up hair] See? Perfect spell! I needed a new haircut.
[Sabrina chuckles, turns around and enters the house]
Sabrina: [screams] AUNT ZELDA!

Haley: Aren't we gonna get into trouble?
Amanda: Hello? We're witches. You people have so much to learn.

Sabrina: What do you say?
Amanda: You'll be back.
Amanda: I mean, sorry.

Sabrina: Amanda, I have to go to the bathroom.
Amanda: You're not a Betsy Wetsy.

Sabrina: [an explosion or a thunderbolt?] Please, let that be an earthquake!
Amanda: [rushing down the stairs] Hi, everybody. Thank you so, so much for taking me in.
[hugging Zelda]
Amanda: Ooh, what died in here?
Zelda: That would be our dinner.
Amanda: I'll order in.
[to: ]
Amanda: I guess since you're at college, I'll be taking over your room. I think it's gonna be really cool once I change everything about it.
[heads back upstairs]
Sabrina: Well, that just killed my appetite.
Zelda: [no longer interested in her plate] Oh, I think it killed everybody's.
Hilda: [as Salem gorges himself] Well, not everybody's.

Amanda: Just so we're clear, I'm not sharing a room with anybody.

Sabrina: [reading] It's a gift certificate to spend half an hour with the deceased of your choice. What's this?
Marigold: You got her a reanimation? Those are very pricey.
Amanda: [screaming] I want a reanimation! I want a reanimation! I want a reanimation!
[Marigold drags her away]
Sabrina: This is the weirdest gift.

Amanda: I'm from the fourth galaxy of the Other Realm. Where are you from?
Valerie: I'm from a big castle in never-never land.
Amanda: You're delusional.

Sabrina: Oh, please, professor, there's a lot more to Amanda than meets the eye. I mean, she's very serious about school.
Amanda: [magically transforms teacher's office into deli] I'll have a banana split, two scoops of vanilla, with chocolate sprinkles.
[smiling: ]
Amanda: Oh, and get a little something for yourself.

Marigold: Amanda darling, when someone gives you a gift you're supposed to say thank you.
Amanda: Fine. Thank you.
[she throws the present down on the ground and it smashes]
Marigold: Now that's verging on rude.

James: [consulting file] All right, let's see, you've been expelled from twelve different schools, you forced fourteen teachers into early retirement, one into a straitjacket,
[causing Sabrina to look at her sharply as Amanda just nods proudly]
James: on the other hand, you were the top seller in the Other Realm High magazine drive.
Sabrina: That's what I love about Amanda, she's a real go-getter.
James: It says here you never turned in the money.
Amanda: That's because I spent it on a mountain bike. No, wait, I stole the bike, and spent the money on a Kate Spade bag.
Sabrina: So Amanda has a problem with dishonesty and greed. But that's just because of her troubled background. I mean, I think if you just get to know Amanda, you will see that she is a good spirit with a kind heart.
[Amanda zaps her file, setting it ablaze in teacher's hands]
Sabrina: See how quickly she warmed up to you?

James: Now can anyone tell me what's wrong with what Sean did?
Amanda: He got caught.