The Best Andy Marshak Quotes

Andy: [encountering Pop on the street] Hey, old man.
Pop: You got such a debt, Andy. You owe for so many years. You owe for so many things. And now, you pay off, son.
[pulls up a revolver]
Andy: Hey! Now, wait a minute! Now, wait a minute. You - you got the wrong guy. I swear to you, you got the wrong guy!
Pop: [icily] I got the right guy.
Andy: Now, please. Please wait. Put... put the gun down now. I'll show you. I'll show you, honest! But I got to think! I got to concentrate! Just put the gun down. You'll see. I GOT TO CONCENTRATE!
[Pop fires his gun on him]

Andy: How do I know you?
Pop: How do you know me? A son should know his father. What kind of game are you playing, Andy?
Andy: I'm your son?
Pop: You were. You were before you ran out. You were before you broke your mother's heart. Before you did dirt to a sweet decent little girl who would've cut off an arm for you. But now you ain't my son. Now you ain't nothin' to me. You're nothin'. I hate your guts. Do you hear me? I hate your guts.