The Best Angelyna Martinez-Boyd Quotes

[Angie, a young woman approaches Rocky at the bar]
Angie: Yo! Yo, is that you? Is that really you?
Rocky: How you doin'?
Marie: [to Angie] I think he wants to drink alone.
Angie: [turning "Street Gangsta"] Well, then give him his drink then. I ain't stoppin' you. What's that, your man or somthin'? No, I don't think so!
[turns back to Rocky]
Angie: Anyway, me and my friends, we're right down there. You think - You think you can buy us a round? Come on, you got the money. Just one round.
Rocky: Hey, uh...
[pushes Angie hand down]
Rocky: Thank you.
Angie: What are y - What are you doin' pushin' my hand away like that?
Rocky: What's your name?
Angie: Angie. What do you wanna know for?
Rocky: Angie, don't be playin' a fool for that guy, all right?
Angie: [turning cross] A fool?
Rocky: Yeah.
Angie: [angry] A fool? I'm the fool? You're the fool, not me! You got it twisted. You're the fool. I'm a person, just like you. You ain't no better than me. You think you're a big shot? You ain't nothin! You ain't no better that me! NO better!