30 Best Baby Driver Quotes

Deborah: Sometimes all I want is to head West on 20 in a car I can't afford, with a plan I don't have, just me, my music, and the road.

Bats: This one, they say that listens to the music all the time?
Griff: I mean, is he retarded?
Doc: 'Retarded' means slow. Was he slow?
Griff: No.
Doc: He had an accident when he was a kid. Still has a hum in the drum. Plays music to drown it out. And that's what makes him the best.

Bats: [holding up an Austin Powers mask] What the fuck is this mask?
JD: Austin Powers.
Eddie: I said Michael Myers!
JD: This *is* Mike Myers.
Bats: It should be the "Halloween" mask.
JD: This is a Halloween mask!
Bats: No, the killer dude from "Halloween"!
JD: Oh, you mean Jason.
Eddie: No!

Griff: Got to hand it to you, totem pole, you're either hard as nails or scared as shit. Which one is it?

Buddy: Is she a good girl? You love her?
Baby: Yes, I do.
Buddy: That's too bad.

Deborah: B-A-B-Y, Baby?

Bats: What you ladies listenin' to?
Baby,7258: Queen.
Bats: Queen, huh? Streisand, now Queen. The fuck? What y'all gonna do? Y'all gonna belt out show tunes on the way to the job?

Armie: We've met before, right?
Bats: I dunno. You still alive, right?
Armie: Uh-huh.
Bats: Then I guess we ain't never met.

Doc: Retarded means slow. Was he slow?
Griff: No.

Nice: That your boy?
Baby: Sure. Yeah, he sure is.
Nice: How old is he?
Baby: Four.
Samm: Eight.
Baby: They grow up so freakin' fast, don't they?

Deborah: [Baby is sitting at a table in a diner when Debora, a waitress, notices him]
Deborah: So are you starting your day or did you just get off?
Baby: They call; I go. You know?
[Instantly, Baby's phone buzzes on the table which he catches without looking]
Deborah: So what is it you do?
Baby: I'm a driver.
Deborah: Oh, like a chauffeur? Anyone I'd know?
Baby: I hope not.
Deborah: What is your name?
Baby: Baby.
Deborah: Your name's Baby? B-A-B-Y Baby?

Buddy: Bats, you are fucking crazy.
Bats: When your folks name you Bats, you're gonna end up crazy.
Buddy: I don't doubt that you're crazy, but your real name is not Bats.
Bats: So says you.
Darling: You think my real name's Darling?
Buddy: Yeah, or Buddy? No, they're nicknames. Code names. Monikers.
Bats: So what's your real name, Darling?
Darling: Monica.

Bats: You're a good driver. You're a bad liar, though. In this business, the moment you catch feelings... is the moment you catch a bullet.

Baby: Fuck you, Buddy.

Deborah: So when was the last time you hit the road just for fun?
Baby: Yesterday.
Deborah: I'm jealous. Sometimes all I want to do is head west on 20 in a car I can't afford with a plan I don't have - just me, my music, and the road.
Baby: I'd like that, too.

Baby: Your tattoo says 'hat'?
JD: Yeah, it used to say 'hate'. But to increase my chances of employment I had the E removed.
Baby: How's that working out for you?
JD: Who doesn't like hats?

Baby: You and I are a team, Doc.
Doc: Don't feed me any more lines from Monsters Inc. It pisses me off.
Doc: It's one of Samm 's favourite.

Buddy: You did good kid. But you took something away from me that I love. You know I gotta do the same.

Bats: You rob to support a drug habit, I do drugs to support a robbery habit.

Doc: [Referring to Baby] That's my baby.
Bats: Fuck your baby.

Doc: Bananas

Bats: He's a looney. Just like his tunes.

Deborah: Not a chauffeur. Noted.

Bats: Those pigs are in hog heaven. The only way they can ID us is with a Ouija board or some shit.
Doc: Well, your name only takes four letters to spell out.

Buddy: You doubt our credentials?
Bats: Wall Street, right?
Buddy: Doc tell you that?
Bats: Doc didn't tell me shit. Just a educated guess from an uneducated man.
Buddy: Well, Bats, I would be fascinated to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Bats: Tell me if I'm way off, Buddy. You were a stockbroker. Maybe a different wife, maybe kids. You stack your paper, but you say shit like "work hard, play harder." But you play a little too hard. You rack up debt. The type of debt that'd make a white man blush. Maybe you get into a little trouble. Maybe you get your hand caught in the corporate cookie jar. Maybe you leave and run off to the desert. Maybe with your favourite lap dancer in tow. Maybe you disappear into a world consisting of three things: money, sex, drugs, and action.
Bats: Oh shit, that's four. Am I close?

Deborah: I just can't believe your real name is Miles.

[hearing Baby's remix tapes for the first time]
Darling: This shit is bananas, Doc. B-a-n-a-n-a-s.

Baby: One more job and I'm done.
Doc: "One more job" and we're straight. Now I don't think I need to give you the speech about what would happen if you say no, how I could break your legs and kill everyone you love because you already know that, don't you?
Baby: Yeah.

Bats: The moment you catch feelings is the moment you catch a bullet.

Bats: Darling, do I look like I know a fucking thing about Barbra fucking Streisand?
Buddy: Hey. Watch your mouth, that's my lady you're talking to.
Darling: Yeah. Watch your mouth.
Bats: I'll watch what I wanna watch.