The Best Bebe Drake Quotes

Newscaster: Lamilton Taeshawn is back on the news. Two weeks ago, he achieved nationwide fame for stealing a car at the tender age of eight. And now, he's assaulted his grandmother at a local Walli-Mart. According to witnesses, Lamilton asked his grandmother to buy him fried chicken, but she refused. He got angry. Here he is assaulting his grandmother, again, and again, and yet again. Then he stops, walks to the counter to order the chicken, then goes back to beat on his grandmother some more. Lamilton, did you hit your grandmother?
Lamilton: Yeah, I beat her ass.
Newscaster: But why?
Lamilton: 'Cuz I asked for some fried chicken and she said no. What she expect?
Newscaster: Lamilton's grandmother wants the public to give Lamilton another chance.
Lamilton's: You have to understand, he really likes that fried chicken.

Newscaster: Lamilton Taeshawn is not a typical eight year old. While most kids in his neighborhood were at home playing video games, he was leaving a path of destruction behind the wheel of an SUV he stole from his grandmother.
Lamilton's: And I came into the kitchen and I saw my keys were gone. And I thought, aw
Lamilton's: .

Riley: I can't believe granddad would let me do no interviews. Lamilton blowing up over this! I bet he get his own tv show! Ooh, I bet he do!
Newscaster: Lamilton, where are you going?
Lamilton: I went to drove up and pick up my friend. And he smokes with cigarettes.
Newscaster: Once he picked up his friend, another unidentified eight year old, the two went on a nearly-fatal rampage through the Woodcrest area. Lamilton, what about the people you could have hurt?
Lamilton: I don't care nothing about those people. I wanna do hood-rat stuff with my friends.
Lamilton's: See, you have to understand. All children his age love stealing cars and going on high-speed chases.
Newscaster: Now, Lamilton, why exactly did you steal your grandmother's car?
Lamilton: 'Cuz it's fun. It's fun to do bad things.

Lady: [beating the life out of Riley] Fuck yo' ass up like you stole somethin'! Who you think you fuckin' with, huh? HUH!

Lamilton: I hope this apology impresses you even though my grandmother made me do it and I don't really mean it.
Lamilton's: You mean you do mean it.
Lamilton: I mean I do mean it.
Huey: I don't think he means it.

Uncle: [Sees a black car pull up at the service station and comes out to greet three African-American senior citizens] Oh, hell naw! What y'all want, niggas? Hurry up! I ain't got all day!
Lord: We're lookin' for a place called Woodcrest. Is this it?
Uncle: Maybe. Look, you want gas or not?
Lord: We're lookin' for a man.
Uncle: Oh, yeah I bet you are. You're lookin' for the number man or the weed man or the Welfare man...
Lord: Naw, the man I'm lookin' for is named Freeman. Robert Freeman.
Uncle: Oh, hell no! I knew it! You related to Robert Freeman?
Lord: [All three look at each other] So, you know him?
Uncle: Yeah, I know him. But Woodcrest don't need no more coloreds. We got our colored quota filled. So y'all can just get to steppin' and get in that piece 'o shit car, turn it around and head it back up the road, Crusty the Coon!
Lord: Why don't you tell me where Robert is?
[Slams brass knuckles against the palm of his hand]
Lord: Before I put five across yo' lip, ya big black dummy?
Lady: Yeah! Start talkin' you one-eyed, fish-eyed fool!
George: Hey, we ain't got all night, buffalo butt!
Uncle: I ain't scared of y'all decrepit Negroes! COME ONE!
[Crabmiser advances towards and takes a swing]
Uncle: Aah!
[Camera pans away to sounds of fists punching]

Mother: In my day, the women stayed home. Not the lazy men.
Bobby: In your day, men were busy building pyramids! How long ago was that?

Lady: Just how far away is their classroom? The moon?

George: Well, well, well. We came a long way to kill you little nigglets. Now it's time for the BIG BONANZAAAA!
Lady: [takes a fighting stance] You know that this is, suckas!
Riley: [Huey and Riley just stare. Riley starts laughing] Yo! You see these two old ass niggas?
[Huey still glares at them and then grabs Riley]
Riley: Come on!
Riley: Yo! Why we runnin'?
[Pissedofferson and Gripenasty athletically leap several feet in the air over the brothers]
Lady: Yeah, motherfucker!
[while airborne. Both then land conveniently in front of the Freeman boys]
Riley: Damn! Them ol' niggas can jump!
[the two charge Huey and Riley, who split up, and a fight ensues]

Uncle: [Sees a black car pull up at the service station and comes out to greet three African-American senior citizens] Oh, hell naw! What y'all want, niggas? Hurry up! I ain't got all day!
Lord: We're lookin' for a place called Woodcrest. Is this it?
Uncle: Maybe. Look, you want gas or not?
Lord: We're lookin' for a man.
Uncle: Oh, yeah I bet you are. You're lookin' for the number man or the weed man or the Welfare man...
Lord: Naw, the man I'm lookin' for is named Freeman. Robert Freeman.
Uncle: Oh, hell no! I knew it! You related to Robert Freeman?
Lord: [All three look at each other] So, you know him?
Uncle: Yeah, I know him. But Woodcrest don't need no more coloreds. We got our colored quota filled. So y'all can just get to steppin' and get in that piece 'o shit car, turn it around and head it back up the road, Crusty the Coon!
Lord: Why don't you just tell me where Robert is -
[Slams brass knuckles against the palm of his hand]
Lord: - before I put five across yo' lip, ya big black dummy?
Lady: Yeah! Start talkin' you one-eyed, fish-eyed fool!
George: Hey, we ain't got all night, buffalo butt!
Uncle: I ain't scared of y'all decrepit Negroes! COME ONE!
[Crabmiser advances towards and takes a swing]
Uncle: Aah!
[Camera pans away to sounds of fists punching]

Lady: [Pissedofferson and Gripenasty have the boys down for the count but the school bell rings the school to end and a group of children come of the building to play] Damn bell done rang! Come on, let's go!
[Both athletically jump away and disappear]