The Best Becky Quotes

Dominick: I don't want to have to hurt you...
Becky: But I do want to hurt YOU. Real bad.
[Sets Dominick on fire]

Becky: There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very good, But when she was bad, She was horrid.
[Poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]

Kayla: Becky is resourceful and vindictive and you just killed her only living relative

[last lines]
Apex: But maybe by saving you I...
[Becky blows him away]
Apex: [repeated line]
Apex: No more kids

Dominick: See Jeff, I wanna believe you. I really do, but you're not making it easy.
[pulls out a gun]
Dominick: Lucky for us.. I brought a lie detector.

[last lines]
Sheriff: It's not that whether she remembers what she did it's the murders she committed that bothers me

[last lines]
Sheriff: It's the violence she commited that worries me

Dominick: You shouldn't mix the breeds you get the worst of both traits
Dominick: I'm doing this for your race as much as mine