Top 100 Quotes From Blake Carrington

Blake: Well, Alexis, I really must thank you. For once in your life, you've done me a favor - even though it was totally unintentional. You know, if you keep up this kind of behavior, people are going to start liking you.
Alexis: Why, thank you, Blake. I don't know what you're talking about, but people either loathe me or adore me. There's no middle ground with Alexis Colby - never has been, never will be.

Blake: [introducing Krystle to the domestic staff] This is Michael. He's ambitious. He listens in on conversations which do not concern him. But he drives well, and he might last the year out.

Blake: Can't they see it? Getting oil out of shale may cost more to produce right now, but it's a hell of a lot better than being gouged by those foreigners.

Krystle: Haven't I seen him on television?
Blake: Jerry Henderson? Of course you have. Best congressman money can buy.

Blake: I wanted you to be a man.
Steven: I am a man. Just not your kind. You know, I'm finally facing up something here. I tried to live a lie, to please you. Not any more. From now on, I'm gonna live my life my way. I'm a homosexual, dad. I'm a gay! And I want you to face it. And say it. Say it! Steven is gay! Somebody say it!
Fallon: Steven is gay!

Blake: And from now on this family's gonna shape up.
Fallon: Take on a new look and stance? The morally upright Carringtons, is that it?
Blake: That's exactly it.
Fallon: The judge put you on probation, not me.
Blake: Fallon, I will ignore that because I know you didn't mean it. But from now on you're going to learn to behave decently if it kills you. I don't need a carbon copy of your mother in this house, and that's what you are sometimes. And it sickens me, do you hear? It sickens me!

Blake: I don't give a damn about any one of you, not after what you just did to me!
Galloway: Sam just said it, Blake. You voted 'yes' too!
Blake: I voted 'yes' because this is my company! Mine! I worked as a rigger during the daytime. At night I went to the School of Mines, winter and summers. I studied, and I sweat, and I broke my back learning the oil business. The oil business this country can't afford to do without! And I clawed my way up to a point where I founded and built Denver-Carrington to where it is today. And right now I've got a man in Washington seeing to it that it stays that way!
[Blake leans in]
Blake: I voted 'yes' because I won't give that woman a chance to remove me from a position where I can keep an eye on her! I don't intend to let her make a move, not issue one memo, not give one order, make one decision, not do anything without answering to me!

Rashid: As for the rest of the deal, you have my hand on it.
Blake: I'd rather have it in writing, Ahmed, if you don't mind.

Blake: About your powerful friends on Capitol Hill, now you get out there and you twist their arms, do you understand? For my company and your future. Not to mention the future of this country.

Alexis: Not even your lovely wife, number two?
Blake: I'd like to remind you Krystle is number one.
Alexis: How could I forget?

Alexis: I am tired of the world thinking that you are some god of goodness, a white knight, while I'm the scarlet woman. When you branded me, you stripped me of every shred of dignity.
Blake: Your affairs were about as private as a circus.

Blake: Don't you walk away from me, I'm your father!
Steven: With a father like you, I'd rather be an orphan!

[last lines]
Alexis: And as for Mark Jennings, you should thank me for bringing him back.
Blake: Oh, yes? Why would I do that?
Alexis: Oh, you'll find out soon enough.
Blake: I'll find out what?
Alexis: Wait. Just wait. I never like to spoil the ending of a play. Or a movie or a book. A romantic tragedy. Some people might call it a farce.
Blake: Now what the hell does that mean?
Alexis: That means that what you thought you had... you never really had at all.

Blake: When are you gonna let me know which job you're gonna take?
Steven: I already have a job. But not with your company.
Blake: Oh. Who's it with?
Steven: You're not gonna like it.
Blake: Let me be the judge.
Steven: I'm working for Matthew Blaisdel.
Blake: You're right. I don't like it.

Blake: [after winning a game of pool] That'll be five dollars.
Joseph: Considering the difference in our incomes, that doesn't seem very sportsmanlike to me.
Blake: Well, that's an old line of yours, Joseph, and it's not going to work. Besides, I need the money.
[snaps his fingers]

Krystle: The time's come for us Blake, to decide. We can either save our marriage or end it. I prefer we save it.
Blake: [sarcastic] What a remarkable coincidence. So would I.
Krystle: [sighing] Then you have to listen to me. Daniel Reece...
Blake: Yes? What about Daniel Reece?
Krystle: Well, I think of him... I've always thought of him as a friend. He may have misunderstood that but... he knows now that there's only one man that I love. And that's you.
Blake: He KNOWS that?
Krystle: Yes, I told him.
[Blake says nothing, lights some candles]
Krystle: and he also told me that... you saved his life.
Blake: I just wanted to give you freedom to make a choice between us.
Krystle: Didn't you hear what I just said? Don't you WANT to hear it? I made my choice a long time ago.
[moves to touch Blake's face]
Krystle: It's YOU I love.
Blake: [softening, pulls Krystle down to his side] Do you know how much I love you?
[kisses her passionately, and they begin making out]
Krystle: Oh Blake... Blake. All that time you were missing, all those terrible hours! I kept thinking one thing... how empty my life would be without you.
Blake: [still kissing Krystle] And all I kept thinking was how... I couldn't bear to live without you.

Blake: [as Jeff is quitting Denver Carrington] I didn't hire you because you are my son in law.
Jeff: Correction! *Past tense* because I won't be for long!
Blake: What does that mean?
Jeff: It means I'm divorcing Fallon.
Blake: Did she ask for one?
Jeff: Oh yes! She *asked* for it!
Blake: When?
Jeff: Yesterday.
Blake: When yesterday?
Jeff: When she walked into that clinic and *destroyed* my child.
Blake: Fallon *didn't* have the abortion.

Krystle: [next to Krystina's hospital bed] Dr. Chadway said he was so proud of you. And then you know what he said?
Krystina: What?
Krystle: He said that you were the bravest little girl he's ever seen.
Krystina: Really?
Blake: Really. And Mommy and Daddy are proud of you too, darling.
Krystina: [to Blake:] I love you, Daddy.
[to: ]
Krystina: I love you, Mommy.
[doting parents glow]
Krystle: Then I have everything I could ever want, because I love you too, darling.
[Krystina is very happy]
Krystle: Daddy and I love you more than anything in the whole world.
Dr. Harold Chadway: [entering] Hi, Krystina.
Krystina: Hi, Doctor.
Dr. Harold Chadway: Mr. Carrington, Mrs. Carrington, I'd like to see you in the consultation room for a moment.
Blake: Yes, of course.
[patting Krystina on the shoulder]
Blake: Be back in a minute.
[Krystle kisses Krystina]

Blake: [about Alexis] She sure knows how to ruin a man's appetite.

Blake: I told you not to do this. I thought we had an understanding.
Andrew: Blake, you and I have only one understanding, to keep you out of jail. Now, you have two choices: to go along with me or to fire me.

Matthew: I wanna know what kind of man would let his son take the rap for something he didn't do? For something his own father set up?
Blake: Oh, that, huh?

Alexis: How do you think I could kill a baby after what happened to our baby - Adam.
Blake: We swore never to talk about that.
Alexis: I can't. I'll never get over his loss.

Blake: Of course. I forgot. The American Psychiatric Association has decided that it's no longer a disease. That's too bad; I could have endowed a foundation. The Steven Carrington Institute for the Treatment and Study of Faggotry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go get married.

Adam: [after Blake fires him] You're not going to want me as an enemy.
Blake: Can't be any worse than having you as a son.

Steven: [Speaking about Matthew and Walter] Dad, I want you to help them. I'll do anything you want. I'll come back to work for you. I'll try to be the son you want me to be.
Blake: Oh? You mean that you'd take a job in my public relations office?
Steven: Yes, sir.
Blake: You mean that if I called up Brian Cable and said you wanted to date his daughter, that you'd go out with her?
Steven: Yes, sir.
Blake: Does that mean that you would give up your curious New York ways?
Steven: Yes, sir.
Blake: And you would do all that for Matthew Blaisdel, and you won't do that for me?
Steven: Dad, I want you to do what's fair.
Blake: I don't want your conditions, understand that? You don't give me conditions. You be what I want you to be! You understand that?

Alexis: [With a basktet of cut roses] I-I had uh, Tony cut these for me for a still life that I'm planning to paint.
Blake: No need to apologize and no need to lie either Alexis.
Alexis: Lie?
Blake: Tony has the day off. Paul is handeling the gardens.
Alexis: Oh, Blake... In the good times, and there were alot of good times, you use to forgive me my fibs... I mean, my little fibs.

Blake: The only thing that makes me more nervous than Alexis on a rampage is Alexis on a goodwill mission.

Blake: Alright, you came back, you said what you had to both here and in the courtroom. Now please leave. This office. This building. And this city.
Alexis: Blake, I go or I stay where I choose.

LB: I'm trying to be grown up. Can you help me, Grandpa?
Blake: Help you do what?
LB: Find a place to live.
Blake: Why would you want to live some other place?
LB: Because I did something bad. Now my mom and dad don't wanna be my mom and dad anymore.

Blake: [raises his glass] Cecil, to you. You've been a good friend. And more. I don't think it's any secret here at this table that you helped me out of some small difficulty recently.
Jeff: And all it cost you was your daughter. Well, that's not a very large price to pay for survival, is it, Blake?

Blake: [about Matthew Blaisdel] I gave him a chance to stay afloat. Now I'm gonna blow him right out of the water.

Matthew: You know, Blake, I used to respect you. I used to think you were the smartest man I'd ever known. But you're losin' it. You're dyin' in it. You're operating the old way. Trouble is, the day of the old tycoon, the oil baron, is over. And like them, you don't have any values anymore. You don't give a damn about anybody or anything.
Blake: Oh, c'mon, Matthew. You're talking about America, the American Dream, laissez-faire, mother, apple pie... petroleum.
Matthew: I'm talkin' about how you poison just about every damn thing you touch.

Adam: Father, what are you doing here, it's election night.
Blake: You're my son, aren't you? There's nothing more important than that.

Krystina: [hostages] Mommy, I'm afraid.
Krystle: [holding her close] Don't be, darling. Everything's gonna be all right, you'll see.
Krystina: Is that bad man gonna take you away?
Blake: No one is gonna take your Mommy away, darling. I promise you that.

Blake: If you go on ruining other people's lives, I wouldn't give a dime for your chances of holding on to your own.

Fallon: How could she hate a man like you? A wonderful man like you?
Blake: [dryly] Hm, hard to fathom, isn't it?

Blake: And you want Michael hired back, and Jospeh scolded?
Fallon: Well, I said reprimanded, but scolded will do just fine.
Blake: Well, you lose this one, Fallon.
Fallon: What does that mean?
Blake: Joseph was simply carrying out my orders. The decision to fire my chauffeur and your... in-house stud was mine.
Fallon: Michael paid for his mistakes. Why did you have to fire him? Why?
Blake: Because he was lazy and inept, that's why.

Blake: I control Denver Carrington with the proxies of the shareholders who trust me. How long are they going to trust a man who's been branded a killer?

Blake: I know you, Matthew. We've been friends and we've been enemies, too. I know one thing about you, that you're honest. So you look me right in the eye and you tell me that you still don't think about Krystle every night and every day, day and night. You do that and I'll call off my dogs.

[first lines]
Blake: [coming back from their attempt to check up on the collection] I still can't believe that there's nothing down there. Not a... painting, not a piece of jewelry.
Dex: There's nothing. The vault is clean. Blake, I shined a light all along the passageway. I nearly froze down there.
Blake: Are you sure you looked at everything very carefully?
Dex: The only thing I found was the seal embedded in the mud.

Blake: Sometimes, you are very naive, Krystle.

Steven: I saw her there naked in that studio with that creep photographer. He could be the father. Anybody west of the Rockies could be the father.
Blake: He resembles you, Steven.
Steven: Which me? This me or the old me?

Blake: Amanda? My God, it's the middle of the night! Are you all right?
Amanda: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
Blake: Nonsense. That's what children are for: to keep their parents from sleeping at night.

Blake: Fallon, how did you get in here?
Fallon: Oh, I told the guard at the door I was CIA. Undercover.

Blake: [Discussing Alexis] Denver-Carrington is a big company and powerful. And if she does anything to hurt Jeff - anything - then there's going to be war between her and me. All-out war. No holds barred. I'll see to it that ColbyCo goes down the drain if I have to if she even thinks of hurting that boy!

Blake: [disgusted seeing Ben and Alexis together] My, my, what a pretty sight. The scorpion and the cobra.

Cecil: And so the two pirates part company but one stands alone on the plank.
Blake: With you ready to give the final push. Right, Cecil? No, I wouldn't try that if I were you.

Blake: Funny, isn't it, how the people you trust the most will do you in, cut you the closest? That's what Julius Caesar had to learn.
Joseph: Learned a little too late to do anything about it, don't you think?
Blake: Well, perhaps I should profit from Caesar's experience.

Andrew: Blake, I'm not only your lawyer, I'm your friend. And I feel compelled to say something to you now, even if it upsets you. I saw the way Krystle turned away from you in court today. You want to know what I think? I think you're attacking me because this suit has obviously cost you her affection as well.
Blake: Now look here, Andrew, I am...!
Andrew: No, *you* look here! And listen to me, please! Why don't you set your mind to getting her back? She left you because you treated her like... like a possession. Why don't you find another way to treat her? Not just as a wife, but as a partner?

Alexis: You still despise me, don't you?
Blake: That's a good enough word.

Andrew: Mr. Carrington, you have said that you love your son. There are those who will imply you do not. Now, Mr. Carrington, would you try to find it within yourself to reveal to us what a father feels at a time like that when you entered your son's room?
Blake: Well, may I say this? That night, when I walked into Steven's room, for a moment - an instant, really - I only remember seeing the room. Just the room itself. This room, some twenty-odd years before, that my son, my son was born, I carried him in for the first time, and I placed him in his crib in that room. I spent the night there watching my newborn son. In later years that room became crowded with memories. It also became crowded with toys that I bought Steven. It was a room where we talked together, where we wrestled together, where I helped my son with his homework. It was also a room where I once sat vigil when my son almost died at age five from pnuemonia. It was a room in a house I was going to give my son one day, in which I dreamed my son would grow up, and his son after that.
Andrew: Thank you, Mr. Carrington. I have no further questions, your honor.

[last lines]
Blake: [to Krystle] I swear to you that after tomorrow if I'm freed, I'll be different.
[walks to the door, then to himself]
Blake: "If I'm freed." My God.

[last lines]
Jake: Your honor, our witness has arrived.
[all heads turn to behold a woman in a stylish dress, large hat and sunglasses sashaying regally down the courtroom aisle]
Blake: [whispering to a stunned Andrew] What's she doing here? What's going on?
Fallon: Oh, my God, that's my mother.

Blake: [adressing the house staff] The rest of you will understand that what I've tried to convey is that you are all dispensable to me. My wife is not.

Blake: And would it make you feel more comfortable if I divested myself of all my holdings? If I gave away every penny I've got?
Krystle: That wouldn't make any difference.
Blake: You're right, it wouldn't. Because if I started from dead scratch tomorrow, I'd have a million dollars by the end of the year and ten million by the year after that.

Jason: Hello, Blake! How long has it been - twenty years, give or take a few?
Blake: Not long enough to suit me. What do you want, Jason?
Jason: Well, I'd be glad of a little warmer hello.

Blake: Jeff, I must thank you very much for keeping me so closely posted on Alexis' maneuvers.
Jeff: Well, even though ColbyCo is half mine, I think you know where my loyalties lie.

[last lines]
Blake: [Alexis invites Blake to her apartment to discuss business. She changes into a sexy dress] If that's the outfit you do business in, you're going to have to be a hell of a lot more 'dazzling' before I let you rob me blind.
Alexis: And just exactly what does that mean?
Blake: You heard me. If you think you're going to rob me out of anything you're very much mistaken. Because I've got Neil McVane working for me in Washington. I've got powerful contacts all over the world. I know the oil industry. You? Well, you're just a rank amateur in this business, so watch out! I've got weapons that will blast you right out of this town.
Alexis: Well, we'll see about that.
[Blake enters the elevator and the doors close]
Alexis: God, I hate you, Blake! Oh, God, I hate you!
[hurls her martini at the elevator]

[first lines]
Alexis: We'd better let you get some sleep.
[pulls covers over her daughter]
Fallon: I'm still a little shaky.
Blake: [as Alexis nods] I'm sure you are.
Fallon: I killed someone. I can't believe it. I killed a man.
Alexis: No, darling. You must not think of it like that. You saved my life. That's what you did.
Blake: Your mother's right, you know. It's all over. From now on, everything's gonna be fine.
Alexis: Good night, my sweet. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Fallon: [smiles dreamily] You said that to me every night when I was a little girl.
Blake: You're still our little girl. Goodnight.
Alexis: Goodnight.
[Fallon turns over to sleep]

Blake: Just what is your connection to Rashid Ahmed?
Alexis: What connection is there ever between powerful, attractive men and lonely divorced women?

Blake: Y'know, there's something I want from you too, just as seriously. I want a child by you. And soon, very soon. Because, you know, neither one of us is getting any younger.
Krystle: And I want to give you a child. But do you suppose we could just hang in there until after the Spanish omelette?

Steven: I chose Kensington because it's close to the university.
Blake: Oh, so you decided you needed more schooling, huh? Exactly how much Keats and Shelley does a 24-year-old man need, anyway?
Steven: I'm going to take an extension course in business administration, the petroleum end especially.

Blake: You are my daughter, and you're a Carrington. And you will not shame this family nor will you shame me.
Fallon: You can't just go around beating up every man in Colorado I sleep with.
Blake: Try me, Fallon. Try me! Now, you're married to Jeff. You make that marriage work, do you understand?

Krystle: You wanna know the truth about Nick and me? I'll make it easy on you. Yes, I was attracted to him.
Blake: You were attracted to him.
Krystle: But I fought it.
Blake: But you fought it.
Krystle: Yes, it wasn't easy, I'll admit that. But...
Blake: But what?
Krystle: But I never forgot I was your wife.

Blake: [speaking through police bullhorn] I beg you as I've never begged any man for anything: please let my family go.

Blake: You know something? I welcome the chance to get back to the problems on my desk. At least I can solve those, unlike the one with Jeff. Jeff. In a matter of months, I seem to have lost two sons.

Blake: Doing what I have to do, coming out here isn't easy for me. Fact is, I had no practise at it. You see, gentlemen, I've, eh, I've come to apologise.

Andrew: Blake, this is not going to work. She's not a credible witness. She's a hooker. Please, let me call Claudia Blaisdel.
Blake: No.

Blake: You're scum, Cecil. You're worthless scum.
Cecil: Listen to yourself, Blake, a two bit oil speculator who scrambled his way up out of a hovel into a grand house; posing as a good and great man; rendering judgment on those who he has no birthright to judge. You're common, Blake. Despite all the veneer, you're very common.

Blake: Yes, Claudia Blaisdel, and I hate your guts for what you've done to her.
Cecil: She's no better than a prostitute, Blake.
Blake: What?
Cecil: Face it. She slept with your son-in-law for profit while his wife, your daughter, was delivering your grandson. Now, doesn't that make her a prostitute?
Blake: [Punches Cecil] That's for the pimp who made her a prostitute.

Blake: My son is in love with a man... my daughter is in love with sex. She's probably still sleeping with every player on my football team.

Krystina: [in hospital bed] I wanna go home.
Krystle: Oh, you will, sweetheart. As soon as they help you feel better.
Krystina: I wanna sleep in my own bed.
Krystle: Soon, darling. Soon.
Krystina: Please, I don't like it here.
Blake: [entering] It'll be soon, sweetheart.
[patting her]
Blake: We'll all be going home soon.

Blake: Sometimes people fall from heights. I know that, my friend. But, I'm not afraid from falling because this deal is a natural. It's a once in a lifetime thing and nothing and no one is going to screw it up for me.

Krystina: [comes running up] Daddy...!
Blake: Hello, darling.
[kneels down, kisses her]
Krystina: [shaking her little head] She didn't come back, did she?
Blake: [shakes his head] No. She didn't come back, darling.
[fighting against tears, the little girl blinks]

Blake: [about Cecil Colby] I don't trust him any more than he'd trust me in this. Because he has the heart of a rattlesnake and soul of a streetwalker.

Blake: Maybe, just maybe, if you love me, I could live forever.

Jeff: I had a couple of interviews with out of state papers.
Blake: Let me guess. About that video tape, right?
Jeff: Well, why talk about the real issues when you can exploit a good scandal?
Blake: Hm-hm. It comes with the territory. Good news is just but good, evil news, why, that's sensational.

Blake: What happened to those days when daughters were virgins, and sons took over their father's businesses, and wives cherished their husbands, forsaking all others?

Alexis: Well, l've turned down your very generous offer before, and l'm gonna turn it down again.
Blake: l'm not here to borrow, l'm here to sell, Alexis.
Alexis: l'd like to talk to you about a certain shale oil extraction process that my company owns. Shale oil? Why should l bother with that?
Blake: Because l know that your company has 1 50,OOO acres of shale oil leases that are unproductive and useless without my process. And l would consider selling it, if you were interested in making an offer.
Alexis: You're so terribly out of touch, Blake. So terribly misguided in your thinking my company can afford to plant daisies in that acreage. So l'm afraid that my offer for your process is zero.
Blake: Don't you ty to bluff me, Alexis.
Alexis: l don't have to bluff you, Blake. Gone are the days when you were king of my fate, when you exiled me from my children and threw me out of Denver.
Blake: And l had a damn good reason for doing it, and you know it.
Alexis: Good reason? You're at somebody else's mercy now. You're finally getting a taste of your own medicine. And when it becomes too bitter for you, when you start to cough and choke on it, then you'll be back to accept the only offer that l'm ever going to make.

Blake: Our child, when we have one - and I know we're going to have one soon - we'll call him Blake, all right? Our child. The one that you will give me.

Krystle: [at dining room table] What I don't understand is how did the letters get burned?
Fallon: [has clear suspicion] How do letters ever get burned? You drop them on a stove, you rub two boy scouts together, or maybe somebody put a match to them.
Jeff: Oh, come on, Fallon, who would do something like that?
Fallon: [sarcastic] Oh, I don't know.
[Adam enters]
Fallon: Hello, Adam.
Adam: Sorry I'm late.
Blake: No problem.
Krystle: [tension building] Do you think that somebody intentionally burned them?
Sammy: [pointedly] I'd like to hear what Adam thinks.
Adam: Excuse me?
Sammy: Steven left two letters, mysteriously burned.
Adam: [all innocent] What letters?
Sammy: [snarls] Oh, you know damn well what letters! And you burned them!
Adam: [scoffs] When did you dream that up?
Fallon: Oh, come on, Adam. You've always tried to make Steven look bad. But this is pathetic, even by your standards.
Blake: Fallon...
Adam: It's all right, Dad. I should have known who was behind this little fantasy.
Krystle: [nearing breaking point] Please stop.
Adam: Maybe Steven burned them himself. Maybe he decided he didn't wanna give them to you.
Fallon: [seething] Well, you got what you wanted.
Blake: All right, now that's enough.
Fallon: By the process of elimination, you're finally the favorite son.
Adam: I don't have to take this!
[unnoticed, Krystle is imploding rapidly]
Blake: I said that's enough! I don't want to hear any more about those letters. If Adam said that he didn't do it, he didn't.
Krystle: [clutches tablecloth, upsetting every kitchen utensil on table] Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
[everything clatters]

Michael: You're not gonna get me out of Denver or your life that easily, boss. I hate you and I love your daughter. It all comes out even.
[rises to leave]
Blake: Wait a minute.
[grabs at his sleeve]
Blake: All right, if you won't get out on your own, I'll starve you out. You can sit on your $50 million until hell freezes over.

Amanda: I won't give him up, Daddy. I'm moving in with him.
Blake: Now you listen to me...
Amanda: [adamant] I have. You insist I make a choice. I've made it.
[turns and leaves]

Blake: [referring to Steven's marriage to Sammy Jo] We'll live with it. We'll get used to her and she'll get used to us. And, we'll train her to fit in the family.
Steven: Like you train your guard dogs or servants?

Blake: And I'm not to consort with any known criminal types.
Andrew: Well, that alone will cut on half your business and social lives.
Blake: Not funny, Andrew, not funny at all .

Blake: Alexis, I thought I made it quite clear that I didn't want you to come here!
Alexis: Oh, yes, Blake, you made it quite clear. But I don't arrange my life to suit the Gospel According to Blake Carrington!

Blake: Why? I am not accusing you of anything, Krystle. I'm not even accusing Toscanni. I'm merely talking hypothetically about some men who seek revenge. Of course, the classic tactic is for the avenger to turn the enemy's woman against the enemy, to poison her mind, to use her soul and body.

Blake: There's got to be a better way. Can I change?
Krystle: You have the strength to do anything you want. Do you know what I want? I want to go back to bed. Your bed.

Blake: Well, lets look at it this way: if that bullet was meant for me, then she saved my life. But she's still got one hell of a fight on her hands, I'll tell you. A fight that I intend to win.

Adam: I will ask you something else while we're at it. What--a hypothetical what--but what would you do if you were forced into the position of having to fight me as well?
Blake: I'd fight. Hard. With everything that's in me. I'd fight you both, my ex-wife and my son. And you'd better believe that.
Adam: Somehow, I do.

Fallon: I was as much a part of it as he was! It wasn't even his idea; it was mine!
Blake: I know that.
Fallon: So why don't you have me beaten up?
Blake: I probably should have, but I know that won't stop you.

Fallon: Adam gives bad first impressions. Unfortunately, they're usually accurate.
Sable: Now, Fallon, why do you want to hurt your brother's feelings?
Adam: [pointedly] Mm.
Fallon: I couldn't. He doesn't have any.
Adam: Thank God you're so easy to ignore.
[heads off, and Sable laughs]
Blake: That's enough, you two. Now, remember, we have a guest.
Sammy: [entering] Sorry I'm late.
Sable: Oh, and you are the very pretty Sammy Jo.
Sammy: Thank you.
[they shake hands]
Sable: [jokingly] Tell me, what do you do with all those men you must attract?
Sammy: Usually, lose them.
Sable: [chuckles] Don't we all?

Blake: I got in early last night. We had a family gathering. We missed you.
Fallon: Oh, I'm sorry. I was out. I didn't know.
Blake: [with disapproval] Yes. Very late. And with that detective.
Fallon: You make it sound like I'm back in high school again.
Blake: Well, back then, you were a little more responsible.
[starts checking his mail, ignores her]
Fallon: [shakes her head] Daddy, I'm really sorry about what's happened. If I had known you're back, I would have...
Blake: I have tried to reason with you. I have tried to explain to you. Apparently, it doesn't do any good.
Fallon: Daddy...
Blake: I don't know you anymore, Fallon. My own flesh and blood, and I swear I...
[shakes his head]
Blake: I don't know you.

Blake: [speaking to assembled family] I just don't know... if Krystle is ever going to come out of her coma.
Sammy: Oh, God.
[looks down]
Blake: And the only way... we can deal with that, is to accept it. Krystle is gone.
Sammy: But she's not dead.
Blake: Sammy Jo, Krystle's spirit will never leave this house, nor any of our hearts.

Blake: I did not premeditatedly kill Ted Dinard, I retained you to prove that. I expect you to do it.
Andrew: And if I don't? If I can't?
Blake: 'Don't' and 'can't' are not in my vocabulary. You'll do it.

Fallon: Someone's been badmouthing Peter, and I want to know who it is. No, never mind, I know who it is. It's Jeff, isn't it?
Blake: No, it was your mother.
Fallon: Oh, *THAT* paragon of sanctity!

Blake: [end lines, to Alexis] Oh, you can sleep in the master bedroom tonight. I'm having it disinfected tomorrow.

Blake: Who are you to bring that up? A man who'd stab his mother to make a deal!

Fallon: I hate the George Cinq Hotel.
Blake: Well, call him up, tell him you're coming and for him to move to the Meurice.
Fallon: I loathe the Meurice. Do you know they used it for Nazi headquarters during the war? Suppose I found myself sleeping in... Field Marshal Göring's favorite room?
Blake: I tell you, if it comes to a showdown between you and Göring's ghost, you know where I'd put my money.

Krystle: This morning you talked about the whole family being united, and yesterday in court, when Steven came up to you, he tried...
Blake: Not that again, dammit! Twice in one day from both wives? Now, that's enough! Krystle, the last subject on earth I want to hear another word about are my children. So help me, there are times I wish I never had them!
Krystle: You can't mean that?
Blake: I do mean it. I mean it from my soul.