The Best Bowery King Quotes

Bowery: Oh, and remember... you owe me.
John: You don't want me owing you.

Bowery: He's offered seven million dollars for your life. Seven million dollars is a lot of money, Mr. Wick.
John: So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?
Bowery: Somebody, please! Get this man a gun!

Bowery: [Referring to his carrier pigeon flock] Welcome to my Mission Control. Brain stem of my operation. The information super flyway. From whence I control the word on the street, the way of the world.
The: With pigeons.
Bowery: Yes. You see rats with wings, but I see the Internet. No IP addresses. No digital footprint. Can't track it, can't hack it, can't trace it.
The: Can you get disease from it?
Bowery: Well, I wouldn't recommend that you eat one.

Bowery: [Referring to the scar on his neck] A gift from the boogeyman. Perfect for every occasion.

Bowery: I am all seeing, and I am all knowing.

[last lines]
Bowery: How you doing John? You look as bad as I feel.
[King chuckles]
Bowery: Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Raise a hand if you can hear me, John.
[John raises his left hand]
Bowery: Oh, shit. They took a finger. Ain't that a bitch?
[King chuckles again as John flips him off]
Bowery: Oh, John fucking Wick. So, the old boy keeps his hotel and you take the fall. Can't say I blame him. I would've done the same thing if I was in his shoes. But this High Table shit...
[King gets up]
Bowery: Seven cuts.
[King chuckles]
Bowery: Under the table is where shit gets done. And they're about to find out, if you cut a king, you better cut him to the quick.
[King gets down on his knees]
Bowery: So... Let me ask you, John. How do you feel? 'Cause I am really pissed off. You pissed, John? Hmm? Are you?
John: [gets up] Yeah.

Bowery: [From trailer] You ready, John?
John: Yeah.

Bowery: You look as bad as I feel.

Bowery: Kimber 1911. 45 ACP. Seven round capacity.
John: Seven rounds?
Bowery: Seven million dollars gets you seven rounds. That's a million dollars a round, baby.
[John loads the gun]
John: Let's go.

Bowery: Man has to look his best when its time to get married, or buried.

Bowery: Avert your eyes, my sweet.
[He releases the pigeon he's holding]
Bowery: The king is dead. Long live the king.

Bowery: They about to learn that if you cut a king, you better cut him to the quick.

Bowery: As I live and *breathe*! John Wick. The man. The myth. The legend. You're not very good at retiring.
John: I'm workin' on it.

Bowery: [opening line] I am the way into the city of woe, I am the way into eternal pain, I am the way to go among the lost. Justice caused my high architect to move, Divine omnipotence created me, the highest wisdom, and the primal love. Before me there were no created things but those that last forever-as do I. Abandon all hope you who enter here... for you stand in the presence of the MOTHERFUCKING KING!

Bowery: That's downright upright of you, Mr. Wick.

Bowery: Okay. You made your point. You have earned my fealty. Matter of fact, I'm gonna shove so much fealty up your ass it's gonna come spilling out of your mouth.
The: You had your chance.
Bowery: Well, since you see it that way, I guess it's time I told you to climb down off your High Table and go fuck yourself.
The: Duly noted. You gave John Wick seven bullets, your penance will be paid with seven cuts.
Bowery: Well, sometimes you gotta cut a motherfucker.