The Best Cabaji Quotes

Cabaji: [Cabaji attacks one of Zoro's previous wound's and Zoro doesn't dodge] Roronoa Zoro... is defeated!
Roronoa: Annoying bastard! Is poking my wound that much fun?
Monkey: Oww!
Nami: W-Why didn't you dodge that?
Roronoa: Is that enough of a handicap for you? Now I'll show you the difference in level between you and me!

Roronoa: My swords aim to be the world's greatest! I can't lose even once to anyone who calls himself a swordsman!
Cabaji: I see... A strong resolve keeps you going. But never fear. Wounds as bad as yours will be more than enough of an excuse for losing to me!
Roronoa: The hell with that... If I lose to someone like you with such light injuries, I won't have much of a bright future ahead of me!