The Best Capt. Whitaker Quotes

Kaffee: [ariving in the conference room after the meeting has already started] Excuse me, sorry I'm late.
Capt. Whitaker: That's alright, Danny, I know you don't have a good excuse, so I won't force you to come up with a bad one.
Kaffee: [gratefully, nods] Thank you, sir.
Capt. Whitaker: The first one's for you. Seems you're moving up in the world, you've been requested by Division.
Kaffee: Requested to do what?
Capt. Whitaker: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A Marine corporal named Dawson illegally fires a round of his weapon over the fence line and into Cuban territory.
Kaffee: What's a fence line?
Capt. Whitaker: Sam.
Lt. Weinberg: A big wall separating the good guys from the bad guys.
Kaffee: [sarcastically] Teacher's pet.
Capt. Whitaker: PFC William Santiago threatens to rat on Dawson to the Naval Investigative Service. Dawson, and another member of his squad PFC Louden Downey, go into Santiago's barracks room, tie him up, stuff a rag down his throat. An hour later Santiago's dead. The attending physician says the rag was treated with some kind of toxin.
Kaffee: They poisoned the rag?
Capt. Whitaker: Not according to them.
Kaffee: What do they say?
Capt. Whitaker: Not much. They're being flown up here tomorrow. Then Wednesday at 0600 you're catching a transport down to Cuba for the day to find out what you can. In the meantime, go see Lieutenant Commander Joanne Galloway of internal affairs. Any questions?
Kaffee: That flight to Cuba, was that 0600 in the morning? Sir?
Capt. Whitaker: It seems important to Division that this one be handled by the book so I'm assigning co-counsel. Any volunteers?
Lt. Weinberg: No!
Capt. Whitaker: Sam.
Lt. Weinberg: Sir, I've got a stack of papers on my desk about a mile high.
Capt. Whitaker: Work with Kaffee on this.
Lt. Weinberg: Doing what? Kaffee will have this done in about four days.
Capt. Whitaker: Doing various administrative things. Backup. Whatever.
Lt. Weinberg: In other words I have no responsibilities whatsoever.
Capt. Whitaker: Right.