The Best Carl Anderton Quotes

A.D.A. Jamie Ross: Your grandson needs psychiatric help.
Carl: Absolutely not.
Executive A.D.A. Jack McCoy: I don't understand you, Mr. Anderton. We're offering him...
Carl: What? The chance to stay in a loony bin till some state employee decides he can leave?
Carl: You know, I know what this is really all about, Mr McCoy.
Carl: You're going after my grandson to embarrass me.
[McCoy shakes his head]
Carl: Yes! Personally, professionally, publicly.
[Walks right up to McCoy]
Carl: I know your type. You think that to bring down a man who's accomplished something in life it builds you up. You're not going to get away with it. I put a fair offer on the table. You turn it down, I'll go public and I'll expose you for the vindictive, envious little man you really are.
[McCoy stares at Anderton in astonishment]

Adam: [to Anderton] Gary Feldman is a fool. He is not worthy of your support.
Carl: He's not you, Adam. That is good enough for me.
Adam: All because of your grandson.

Adam: [to Anderton] Whatever gave you the idea the district attorney's office was your family law firm?
Carl: Whatever gave you the idea that it wasn't?