Top 30 Quotes From Carrie

[Carrie is staring out the window in English class, with her powers she is making the flag flap and shake. A small smile grows on her face]
Mr. Ulmann: Alright, who's next? Uh... Carrie?
[Carrie quickly turns to face her teacher]
Mr. Ulmann: Favorite poem did you bring one?
[a couple of kids laugh]
Carrie: Yeah.
Mr. Ulmann: Why don't you come to the front of the class and share it with us all?
[Carrie gets up, she makes her way down the rows of students who laugh quietly. When she gets to the front of the room, she faces them. Not taking her eyes off her book, she reads]
Carrie: [quietly and softly over the small laughter] This un- This unfrequented place to find some ease. Ease to the body some, none to the mind. Times past, and wh- What once I was and what am now. Oh wherefore was my birth from Heaven foretold, twice by angel who at last in sight of both my parents, all in flames... Ascended.
[Most kids are amazed and confused at the same time]
Mr. Ulmann: Okay, that was uh- disturbing.
[Kids laugh. Tommy looks up at him angrily. Mr. Ulmann is being a prick]
Mr. Ulmann: This is the most you've said all year. Anything else you wanna add or are you done scaring us for the day?
Tommy: [slips out] Asshole.
[some kids gasp, they all turn to him]
Mr. Ulmann: Excuse me, Mr. Ross, did you say something?
Tommy: I said awesome. I just thought what Carrie read was awesome didn't you, Mr. Ulmann?
[Carrie makes her way towards her desk]
Mr. Ulmann: [changing the subject] Ok, who's next. Nicki. Ah- I mean Lizzy.
[Carrie sits down. Keeping her head down, she pushes some hair in front of her face. She turns to Tommy. Sue sees her, something clicks in Sue, Sue now knows Carrie likes him]

[Billy's car is driving above speed limit, pulls up in front of Chris' house. The three get out. Chris and Tina are laughing]
Chris: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why he lost his license.
Tina: And why he's still driving.
Billy: Don't need a license, if they cant catch me.

[the halls are half empty, students pass by and stare. Carrie throws her book bag over her shoulder and she power walks through the hall, she's upset. Tommy is running after her, he is holding her jacket. He runs up to her a taps her arm]
Tommy: Carrie...
Carrie: [spins around] Stop just- Please just, stop trying to trick me.
Tommy: No I'm not trying to trick you, I'm not tricking you.
Carrie: Aren't you with Sue Snell?
Tommy: Yeah, I'm with Sue Snell but she doesn't wanna go.
[Carrie gives him a look, he has to be lying. Tommy holds out Carrie's jacket]
Tommy: I'm sorry.
[Carrie quickly grabs the jacket and runs off. Leaving Tommy all alone. She runs through the crowd of students, as she tries to hold back her leaking tears. The bell rings]

Nicki: [rushing across the gym to the doors] Come on, Lizzy, we've got to get to the door!
Lizzy: [screaming in panic] Nicki!
Nicki: [screaming back] Lizzy!
Carrie: [notices them, flings them across the gym, pinning them to the floor]
Nicki: [tries to get up] Lizzy!
Lizzy: [gets pushed down by Carrie's powers] Nicki!
Nicki: [getting trampled to death] Aghhh!
Lizzy: [getting trampled to death] No!
Carrie: [Carrie looks in sick satisfaction as she sees that the twins are finally dead]

[from trailer]
Margaret: I'll pick you up after school.
[kisses Carrie's cheek]

[Margret unlocks and opens the closet door, she walks in and sees Carrie sleeping on the floor. Margret gets down on her knees and gently pets Carrie's hair. Carrie's wakes up. She leans on her arms, while still on the floor]
Margaret: Did you finish your prayers little girl?
Carrie: [Gently and quietly] Yes, momma.
Margaret: That's my good girl.
[Margret kisses Carrie's check]
Margaret: [Margret moves the hair behind Carrie to Carrie's right shoulder. Margret braids Carries hair and smiles. Carrie smiles back at her] I love you.
Carrie: I love you too, momma.
[Margret kisses Carries check again, she continues braiding Carrie's hair]
Carrie: [after Margret is done the two look at each other and smile]

Carrie: [Looks at the prom-goers with rage, blood starts to levitate off her body]
Heather: [Confused at what she's seeing, says to her prom date] Are you seeing this?
Carrie: [starts to hyperventilate in anger, more blood rises off her body]
Heather: [Tries dragging along her prom date to escape] Come on!
[Gives up and tries to make her escape alone]

Margaret: I don't want you to get hurt.
Carrie: Or you could be happy for me.

Chris: [after Carrie accidentally hits Sue Snell in the head in Water Volleyball] You eat shit!

Tommy: [after the bucket of blood is dumped on Carrie] What the hell!

Chris: [Sees Carrie standing in the street after the prom] Run her down! Kill her, Billy! Kill her!
Billy: [Stepping on the gas pedal] I've got this!

[from trailer]
Chris: Wipe that smile off your face.

[Carrie tumbles down the stairs. She hits her back against the wall, leaving a blood splat and continues to fall down until she lands on the floor]
[Carrie looks up and sees Margret slowly making her way downstairs, her knife in hand. Carrie drags her herself back, away from Momma]
Carrie: [Broken, you can tell by her voice she is hurt] Momma Please.
Carrie: No Momma. Momma Please. Mommy. M...
Margaret: [Soft] Its not your fault Carrie, it's mine...
Margaret: [Crying] Mommy, this isn't praying.
[shakes her head and continues to drag herself]
Margaret: ...You know the devil never dies. Keeps coming back, but ya gotta keep killing 'em...
Carrie: [Almost a Whisper] No Momma.
Margaret: ...Over and over again.
[She raises the knife. Carrie moves faster]
Carrie: Momma Please. MOMMA!
[Marget lowers the knife, but she misses and hits the floor. Carrie turns to her stomach and tries to crawl away]
Carrie: MOMMA NO!
[Carrie's hand hits the knife and knocks it forward]
Carrie: [Margret grabs Carrie by the legs and pulls her] NO MOMMA! STOP IT!
[Margret has a hard to getting the knife with Carrie not staying still. She finally grabs]
Carrie: [Margret has Carrie's leg in one hand the knife in the other. She cuts Carrie's leg] AHHH!
[Carrie turns on her back. Margret tries to stab Carrie again. She misses her, by an inch and stabs the floor. The knife is stuck in the floor]
Carrie: NO!
[Margret tries to pull the knife out of the floor. She climbs on top of Carrie]
Carrie: STOP IT!
[the two girls fight, Carrie tries Margret off her, holding onto the knife. Margret tries to pull out the knife]
Margaret: AGH!
[Carrie and Margret both pull the knife out, causing Carrie to punch Margret in the face]
Carrie: UGHH!
[Margret's body sways to the left. She goes back in with the knife, and cuts Carrie's arm]
Carrie: AHHH!
[Carrie throws her arms up. Margret raises up the knife]
Margaret: WOHAAA!
[She brings it down right to Carrie. Carrie Flexes. The knife stops it an inch away from her face. Carrie keeps her the hold on the knife]
Margaret: [Carrie tries to push the knife away. Margret is stronger. Carrie is broken, when turned to the world she was hurt, when she goes back to Momma she is more hurt. Margret brings it down, slowly. It's about to stab Carrie, but she Flexes. Her neck cranes]
[Margret's body gets lifted up and stops mid-air]
Carrie: [Carrie Flexes. EVERY SHARP OBJECT IN THE HOUSE IS FACING MARGRET. Margret is frozen, her eyes wide]
Margaret: [Whispered] Carrie?
Carrie: [Whispered] I'm sorry.
Margaret: CARRIE!
Carrie: AGHHHH!
[Carrie Flexes. They all impale Margret as she is sent flying backwards to the closet door]
Margaret: [Some objects impale her chest. She's in pain] AHHHHH!
Margaret: HUGHH!
Margaret: UGHHH!
Margaret: ACH!
Margaret: UGH!
[MORE IMPALEMENTS NOT SHOWN. Carrie see's all of this, tears roll from her eyes]
Margaret: Aghhhh-
[Margret is dead]

Miss: [shouting to the girls to get them up] All right stand up, line up please. You have a big month coming up. Prom and then graduation. Are you excited? Probably all have your dresses, have your dates by now.
Miss: [She walks over to Chris]
Miss: What about you, Chris? Who's the lucky guy?
Chris: Billy Nolan. You don't know him, he doesn't go to this school.
Miss: Are you gonna get him a boutonniere? Or are you just gonna pin a bloody tampon to his lapel?
Miss: I so don't need to hear this.
Chris: You're not going anywhere.
Miss: [walking towards Sue] What about you, Sue? Are you and Tommy busy campaigning to be prom king and queen? I would have voted for you. Not now.
Chris: [to the rest of the girls] You all did a shitty thing. A really shitty thing. And one you had the audacity to post a video. Somebody made a video of it?
Chris: This is bullshit!
Miss: That's it. Thanks to Miss Hargensen you can run suicides.
[the girls moan]
Chris: I'm not doing it.
Miss: That's up to you. That's up to all of you, but anyone who stops running, is suspended, and if your suspended... You don't go to prom. While you're running, I'd like you all to think long and hard... about what it would be like to be Carrie White.

Margaret: [Margaret White looks up at Eleanor Snell, she stops cutting herself] These are godless times, Mrs. Snell.

Margaret: You must renounce this power, you must give it up! You must never use it!

Miss: Are you gonna get him a boutonnière, or are you just gonna pin a bloody tampon to his lapel?

[from trailer]
Carrie: There are other people out there like me who can do what I can do.

[Marget's car pulls in the White House driveway. Margret and Carrie sit for a moment or two. Margret stare at the house, awhile Carrie looks down]
Margaret: Lets go inside little girl, *Margret exhales* you need to come inside with me.
Carrie: Momma why didn't you tell me? I was so scared momma, I thought I was gonna die.
[Margret ignores and and starts getting out of the car]
Carrie: Momma they laughed at me and they threw at me.
Margaret: We'll talk about this inside Carrie.
[Margret closes the car door and walks towards the house. Carrie is fed up, momma always does this]
Carrie: [Carrie gets out of the car] NO!
[Margret stops and turns to Carrie. Carrie's voice gets quieter with each word]
Carrie: I wanna talk about it right here. I don't- I don't wanna go inside with you.
[Carrie gets back in the car and closes the door while Margret continues into the house. Carrie regrets saying that, she's never said anything like that to momma before. Suddenly a loud bang on the window distracts her]
Neighborhood: Crazy Carrie. Crazy Carrie. *snort*
[the boy rides his bike around the car, Carrie goes from shocked to angry]
Neighborhood: Crazy Carrie. Crazy Carrie.
[the boy is pushed to the ground falling off his bike]
Neighborhood: [Both the boy and Carrie are shocked. The boy quickly gets up and rides away, Carrie watches him, then looks up towards heavenly light above and back down]

Margaret: I'm gonna have to tell the boy the truth, that your father took me and you were born of sin.
Carrie: You will say nothing.
Margaret: [Carrie turns from Margaret and makes her way downstairs] And from that sin...
Margaret: [Carrie is downstairs and Margaret's right behind her] From that sin was born another, the worst sin. A man or a woman who is a with, you are to be put to death you are to be stoned...
Carrie: [Carrie stops and turns to Margaret. Carrie flexes. Margaret's body stops completely] I'm warning you, mama.
Margaret: The Devil's hand.
Carrie: Please don't do this.
Margaret: There will be a judgement... Carrie. As Jezabel fell from the tower, you too will...
[Carrie flexes. Margaret's mouth shuts]

[from trailer]
Margaret: You know the devil never dies, keeps coming back. But you gotta keep killing him.

[Carrie sits on her bed reading one of her Telekinesis books. She closes it, and sees another one from across the room. Carrie Flexes and the book starts to rise and move toward her. She Flexes again, all the books on her bed start to levitate and float around the room. The lights start flickering. Two books collide into each other causing one to fall to the floor. Margret hears this from downstairs]
Margaret: [Margret looks up, worried and confused] Carrie?
[Carrie lifts her entire bed off the floor. Margret grabs a knife form the sink, she makes her way up the stairs]
Margaret: Carrie?
[Margret grabs the doorknob and tries to open it, but it won't give in]
Margaret: [Carrie gasps, she drops the bed and books. Margret finally gets the door open. All the lights are off and Carrie's lying down. Margret looks around the room then back at Carrie. She gently places the knife down on the night stand, and puts a blanket over her daughter. Carrie pretends o be asleep]
Margaret: [Whispered] I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you little girl.
[Margret lays down next to Carrie]
Margaret: Your safe here with me.
[Carrie has her eyes wide open. She flexes her open palm close and the knife Margret placed on the night stand falls straight to the floor, stabbing it. Margret flinches, then lies down. Carrie smiles]

Harry: Harry Trenant is a minor character in Carrie. He is portrayed by Eddie Max Huband. He is first seen sitting next to his friend, Greg deLois and they both laughed and did dirty gestures at Carrie.

Sue: [looking for Chris at Prom] Heather, where's Chris?
Heather: [faking confusion, she lies to Sue] What are you talking about? She's not here.

[from trailer]
Carrie: If I concentrate hard enough, I can make things move.

Carrie: [Eyes dilate in anger] NOOOOO!
[Sends a massive psychic shock-wave across the gym, knocking everyone down]
Heather: [Heather, almost at the gym doors, sees the chaos behind her] *gasps*
[Rushes to the door in a panic]
Heather: [Carrie, notices Heather trying to escape, sends another shock-wave] Agghh!
[She hits the glass windows of the doors face first, shattering her face and leaving the window blood stained]
Sue: [Sees Heather's body slide off the window lifelessly, smearing the window in blood] *gasps in horror*

[from trailer]
Carrie: I've been asked to prom.

[from trailer]
Margaret: Brightly beams our father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore, but to us he gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.

Tina: Ballots please.
Carrie: [hands her the prom ballots]
Tina: [to Tommy and Carrie, with a suspicious smile] Good luck kids, you have my vote.

[from trailer]
Miss: Carrie, what's wrong?