The Best Chet Miner Quotes

Lillian: Your targets are too high-profile. Maybe you should think smaller.
Chet: I'm never thinking small again. From now on, it's all big. Big bank accounts, big yachts, big money.
Lillian: I have no interest in making you rich. My interest is in molding public perception through the use of these weapons. To sow fear and discontent. To make the populace ready for our leadership.
Chet: So that's what this is about, you wanna rule the world?
Lillian: No, I want to save it.
Chet: Lady, I could give a rip about your politics. But if you're so worried about my well-being, why don't you replace the gun Supergirl damaged? Something bigger?
Lillian: [giving him a new weapon] Use it wisely.

Lillian: I'm not used to being summoned.
Chet: I held up my end of the bargain. People are afraid of these weapons. You got what you wanted.
Lillian: And what is it you now want, Mr. Miner?
Chet: [showing her a copy of CatCo magazine with Lena on the cover] One last score.
Lillian: You wanna take on Lena Luthor?
Chet: She's holding an event. National City's wealthiest will all be there, decked out in their finest diamonds and gold. It'll be the mother lode. Plus, you'll get that public dazzle you're looking for.
Lillian: The Luthors are smart, and dangerous. You don't wanna go up against them.
Chet: I took down Supergirl. I'm not afraid of some spoiled, rich brat.
Lillian: It's a mistake to underestimate her. You wanna attack that fundraiser, you do it with what you have.
[as she turns to leave, he draws his gun on her]
Lillian: Your cause is pure greed, Mr. Miner. Which is fine. I don't hold it against you. My cause is something far nobler. I'm fighting for my children. My son, my daughter. Their lives depend on the successful attainment of my goal. To end alien influence over our planet. I'm trying to save the world from an alien apocalypse. Do you really think I'm afraid of you?
[he lowers his gun]
Lillian: Take on Lena Luthor, and you do it at your peril.

Lillian: You're being reckless, Mr. Miner. Lazy. Your carelessness is going to get you caught.
Chet: Not with the weapons you gave us. Nothing can stop us.
Lillian: Supergirl can, if you give her the chance.

Supergirl: You do know those bullets aren't going to work on me, right?
Chet: I'm glad I didn't bring any bullets.