The Best Chris Kirkpatrick Quotes

Nelson: I can't sing without dancing.
J.C. Chasez,26636: Fine. Thrust, spin, turn, pivot, pout, jiggy, jiggy, robot, dosido, and close with a Matrix.
Nelson: Nobody pouts going into a jiggy.
Milhouse: Yeah, that's stupid.
Ralph: I want to twirl.

Nelson: What brings you to Springfield?
J.C. Chasez: We saw your band formation notice in the paper.
Bart: Really? You saw our BFN?
Justin: I can't believe I'm meeting Milhouse. Word.
[they high-five]
Chris: So, anyway, we brought you this wicked gift basket.
J.C. Chasez: Stubble glitter, a crowd taser...
Bart: Crowd taser?
J.C. Chasez: Yeah, it's perfect for getting through the fans to your limousine.
Joey: [getting zapped by Justin] Yo!
Lance: [his watch beeps] Dudes, we gotta go. Our clothes are getting a little out of date.

Justin: You know, we've had a lot of fun tonight at the expense of the U.S. Navy.
James: But they're out there every day protecting us from Godzilla.
J.C. Chasez: And don't forget pirates.
Chris: And jellyfish.
James: Those whack invertebrates will sting you, old school!
Justin: So check out the Navy for a two or a four-year hitch.
James: We signed J.C. up yesterday.
J.C. Chasez: What?
[two shore policeman drag him away]
J.C. Chasez: No-o-o!