The Best Clay Fallmont Quotes

Sammy: I can take care of myself, Clay. I don't need you watching out for me.
Clay: Oh, you need me, Sammy Jo. You need me as much as I need and love you. I told you once that I was never gonna let you go, and I'm not.
[burly security guard escorts him out]
Sammy: [straightening Steven's jacket] I'm sorry.
[he smiles at her, they look into each other's eyes]

Sammy: [in stables] Clay, meet Valez. This is my son's favorite horse.
Clay: He's a beauty. And you're phenomenal, you know that?
[she gives a radiant smile]
Clay: Yesterday, I find you pouring over your accounts, now you're playing vet to an Arabian.
Sammy: Ah, it's just a scrape.
[looks up at him, smiling]
Sammy: But I'm glad you came by. Maybe we can go for a ride or something.
Clay: Well, that's kind of what I had in mind, a ride. Or something.

Sammy: That's not true.
Buck: [through drunken stupor] Hmm?
Sammy: You've obviously been reading those lies in the Denver Mirror.
Clay: And for you to attack Sammy Jo-...
Sammy: I can speak for myself, Clay. Thank you. There was a time, Mr. Fallmont, when I couldn't speak for myself, because I didn't know who I was. But what I know now is that I made a lot of mistakes. And thanks to Blake and Krystle, I discovered I do have some value. The only thing that counts is bring honest with yourself and not blaming others for your own mistakes. It's a shame you do not know them better. You could learn something from them too.
[Mr. Fallmont even seems to sober up somewhat, and Mrs. Fallmont smiles]
Sammy: Now,
[rising from the table]
Sammy: if you'll excuse me...
[starts leaving]
Sammy: I'm sorry, Mrs. Fallmont.
Emily: Me too.
Clay: Sammy Jo - -
[glares at inebriated father, then leaves]

Clay: [coming up to Sammy Jo and Steven swaying on the dance floor] You guys having fun?
Sammy: As a matter of fact, we are.
Clay: Looks like it. The only problem is, pal, this lady happens to be my wife.
Steven: Look, Clay, it's just...
Clay: [brusque] I didn't finish. She asked for an annulment. You know about that?
Steven: [nods] Yeah, I know about that.
Clay: [nods back] Then you probably know too, you're responsible for it.
Sammy: Let's get out of here, Steven.
[starts leaving]
Clay: [to Steven] You used your son to get back into her life. And the ironic thing is... you're not even a man.
[Steven punches him, and a fight ensues]

Clay: [arriving loaded with, among other things, a huge bunch of bananas] Hi.
Sammy: Hi. What is that all about?
Clay: Well, I mean to thank you for leading me out of the fire. I could have drowned this place with roses, but I said: No. Now, what's more Sammy Jo? And I hit on it. A banana split to make the Guinness Book of Records.
Sammy: No way.
Clay: Yes way.
Sammy: I love this.
Clay: All righty, here we go.
[starts unpacking]
Clay: We've got, uh... let's see. Chopped nuts.
Sammy: Show me.
[murmurs in delight]
Clay: Like chopped nuts?
Sammy: Oh, love chopped nuts.
Clay: Good. Ice cream, lots of ice cream.
Sammy: Oh.
Clay: We've got chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. I mean, lots of ice cream. Check it out. Chocolate syrup, do you like chocolate syrup?
Sammy: I love chocolate syrup.
Clay: Hmm? Good! And we've got some caramel fudge, butterscotch topping. You got that.
[unpacking more]
Clay: And your favorite and mine, coconut.
Sammy: I hate coconut.
Clay: No coconut!
[tosses it out]
Clay: And to put it in... Drum roll, please...
Sammy: [gamely tries imitating sort of a drum roll, he mimics a fanfare, produces silver tray] Oh, well, you certainly know the way to a girl's heart, don't you?
Clay: I try.

Sammy: Now would you stop jumping all over me?
Clay: Yeah, well, if I am, it's because of the way you've been acting lately. Like you're on another planet or something. Now, what...? What is going on with you?
Sammy: Nothing. Nothing at all.
Clay: Hey.
[takes hold of her]
Clay: We've gotta stop doing this to each other, sweetheart. We have got everything to look forward to. Us together, our baby.
[she remains evasive]
Clay: You're not beginning to regret being pregnant, are you?
Sammy: No, of course not. I wish you'd stop questioning me. I don't like it. I really don't like it.
[she turns her back on him, and starts leaving]
Clay: I think we do need a few days away from each other. Maybe that way we can sort out what's wrong.
Sammy: [looking back over her shoulder] Maybe that would be good for us.
[leaves, closing door, it slams shut]

Clay: Sammy Jo, you should have told me you were coming by.
Sammy: Why? So you could spend the day thinking up something ugly to say like you did at the club last night?
Clay: Look, I...
Sammy: How could you do that? Steven and I were just dancing.
Clay: You weren't just dancing with him, you were dancing with what the two of you once had together.
Sammy: That's not true.
Clay: Isn't it? Look, the only thing I've got against Steven is your fantasy of him. He can't give you what you need, face it.
Sammy: Really? And you can?
Clay: I can look at you and see you for the woman you really are.
Sammy: A liar and a cheat. That's what you called me, isn't it?
Clay: I was hurt.
Sammy: Well, so was I. I loved you, and I trusted you. You've never seen me for who I am. Sure, you wanna make love, but when it comes to... to listen and to forgive, you're nowhere to be found. I don't know why we're dragging this out.
[produces documents]
Sammy: You have to sign these annulment papers.
[impatiently waving papers]
Sammy: Just sign them.
Clay: [taking the documents] Sammy Jo, if I sign these papers, I'm admitting that our marriage was nothing but a fraud.
Sammy: Well, what else was it? In the beginning, you didn't want me as part of your family. And then, when I thought I was pregnant, you didn't even want the baby.
Clay: I love you.
Sammy: I don't know what you feel, Clay, but it sure isn't love.
Clay: No? Then tell me what this is.
[kisses her passionately, and she surrenders to her own feelings, until coming to her senses and pushing him away]
Clay: I want you so much, Sammy Jo. More than I've ever wanted anything or anyone in my entire life.
Sammy: Whatever we feel, Clay, whatever you wanna call it, it has no future. Just sign the papers.
Clay: [smirks] Same old story, isn't it? Whatever Sammy Jo wants, Sammy Jo gets. Well, you'd better grow up and decide what it is you really do want.
Clay: Take your papers and get out of here.

Sammy: I was beginning to think I was part of your life.
Clay: [sighs, for he cannot tell her about the mission] Sweetheart, you are.
Sammy: Then why all the mystery? Why couldn;t you tell me about this last night?
Clay: [placing his hands on her shoulders, looking deep into her eyes] Because I had other things on my mind. Like you. Sammy Jo, you're very tense. You know, you've been very tense the past few days, Sammy Jo. There's more to this, isn't there?
Sammy: No. I'm just not used to you creeping out of bed on me.
Clay: Oh, is that it?
Sammy: Yeah.
Clay: Okay, okay. You don't wanna tell me, I have more important things to do. All right, I'll come back when you are ready to get to the bottom of this.

Clay: I decided to come back last night. I waited up all night for you. Now, where the hell have you been?
Sammy: I slept at Steven's.
[he scoffs]
Sammy: My son happens to live with his father, and I spent the night. And how come you're still here?
Clay: Because I wanted to talk to you about forgetting the annulment. About forgetting it and starting over.
Sammy: It's over between us, Clay. I'm no genius, but I'm smart enough to know that we both have to go our own ways. I'm sorry. I really am.
Clay: [scoffs, then sighs] You know, I've tried to be rational with you. I said I loved you, and I meant it. I said I made a mistake, and that I was sorry, but you won't forgive me, will you? You know what your problem is, Sammy Jo? You're still in love with your ex-husband.
Sammy: [whirls around] That's ridiculous.
Clay: Oh, I think it's on the button. You'd better think it over and see where it's gonna get you.
[he leaves, and she stands there in realization that he is right]

Sammy: [about to soothe Clay's sore muscles] I have just the solution.
Clay: I was hoping you'd say that.
Sammy: This.
[produces bottle]
Clay: This is horse liniment.
Sammy: [naughty sparkle in eyes, challenging him] Don't think you're man enough? On the sofa.
Clay: I was hoping you'd say that too.

Clay: Well, I was gonna come pick you up.
Sammy: Well, I didn't think you could be there. In fact, I didn't even think you'd be here.
Clay: We live here, remember?
Sammy: That's right. We're Mr and Mrs Fallmont, the not-so-happy newlyweds.
Clay: Sammy Jo, you've got to listen to me. I know why you're angry with me. I never should have said the things I did at the hospital.
Sammy: They're hard words to forget. God, they're hard to forget.
Clay: I know. But you gotta understand, I didn't know what I was saying, all I knew was that you were... gonna have our baby.
[she turns to look up at him]
Clay: And that made me very proud.
Sammy: Now let's get into my feelings. I realized at first you just wanted sex from me.
Clay: Oh, come on, that's not true!
Sammy: You wanted to have sex, and you wanted to keep me away from your family, because you were ashamed of my background. But then you married me. I'd like to think that it was because you loved me, and that even if there were no baby, you still would have married me, but that isn't true, is it?
Clay: I did love you!
[she: ]
Clay: I do.
Sammy: I don't think so.
Sammy: I want an annulment, Clay.
Clay: That's crazy! Sammy Jo, all I want is for us to stay married... and be happy.
Sammy: [resolute] We're strangers to one another. I'm sorry, but I have to end this.

Clay: [at tennis court, as Sammy Jo sits down] Oh, hi, Amanda.
Amanda: Clay, how are you?
[without: ]
Amanda: Sammy Jo.
Clay: Coming or going?
Amanda: Going. I've just finished a lesson.
Clay: Come on, I've seen you play. You could give lessons.
Sammy: [snidely] And a lot of things, from what I've heard.
Amanda: Thanks, Sammy Jo. From what I've heard, you're doing well too.

Sammy: I said it, Clay. I care. People can't go riding on moonbeams all their lives. Gotta get serious about things.
Clay: I'm serious about it now. Enjoying scrubbing your back, feeling your skin, which is seriously, the smoothest skin I've ever felt. You enjoy it too, don't you?

Sammy: [waking up in the middle of the night to find him out of bed standing in front of the window looking out] Clay? What are you doing?
Clay: I couldn't sleep.
Sammy: [coming up behind him, putting her arms around him] You usually sleep like a rock. What's changed?
Clay: [sighs] We have.
[turns around to look her in the eyes]
Clay: Sammy Jo, I care for you...
Sammy: Care? I'm gonna have your baby and you care for me? That's all?
Clay: I wanna do what's right, but my gut is turning inside. It's like my whole life has been decided for me, regardless of how I feel.
Sammy: I see. And the baby?
Clay: I want you to have an abortion.
Sammy: We've gone from me deciding your life to you deciding mine, feel better?
Clay: Look, Sammy Jo, I don't wanna hurt you...
Sammy: Worry about yourself, Clay. I'll take care of me. And for right now, maybe you should leave. I'll sleep much better alone.

Sammy: [late at night, calling phone inquiries] I'd like the number for Technel Laboratories.
[gets it, jots it down]
Sammy: Thank you.
[punches in the number, but...]
Sammy: Somebody answer the phone.
Clay: [entering] Sammy Jo? Who you calling this time of night?
Sammy: I thought you were asleep.
[he chuckles]
Sammy: I was phoning Austria. There's a stallion on the market.
Clay: A horse?
Clay: You're up at this hour asking about a horse?