The Best Colonel William Ludlow Quotes

Tristan: You know when Samuel died... when Samuel died, I cursed God. Did I damn everybody around me as well as myself?
Colonel: No. You are not damned, Tristan... I won't allow that.

Colonel: I spoke in plain English, sir. What do you want for yourselves should my son be elected?
Alfred: Father, I really don't think that these gentlemen...
Colonel: Did you ask that question yourself, Alfred, or do you honestly believe these good gentlemen back you simply out of the sense of patriotic duty in your own inestimable worth?

Colonel: There will be no more talk of wars in this house, DAMN IT!

Alfred: What is he wanted for, Sheriff?
John T. O'Banion: That would be of a private nature
Colonel: A private nature? That's a public office you hold, isn't it, Sheriff?

Colonel: Don't talk at me boy as if I've never seen a war!

Tristan: Alfred's going to do well wherever he is.
Colonel: Except here with us.
Tristan: That's my fault.
Colonel: I didn't say that.
Tristan: I couldn't bring Samuel back home alive either, could I?
Colonel: Don't you dare say that boy! That was in God's hands.
Tristan: Was it?

Colonel: What did I know of children? I was trained to lead men. This is infinitely harder.

Alfred: I don't know what to say. Tristan's always been wild. You love him for that.
Susannah: Do I? Yeah, I suppose I do.
Alfred: Susannah, he does love you.
[holds her as she cries]
Colonel: Alfred! She's to be your brother's wife.
Alfred: Yes, though you might better remind him of that.
Colonel: He's not here to defend himself.
Alfred: No, he's not but I see you are here to defend him and what is his. Even though he's abandoned her and you. And I won't even speak of who else he abandoned.
Colonel: Damn you, boy. Don't you blame my son for Samuel's death! Samuel chose to be a soldier and soldiers die. Sent to be slaughtered by the men in the government. Parasites like you! Damn and blast you!
[turns to Susannah]
Colonel: Damn you too!
Alfred: Shut your mouth! You leave her out of this!
Colonel: You get out of my house and off my land.
Alfred: Why? Because I want to serve my country like you did? Or because, like you, I love a woman who doesn't love me? He used her and he deserted her. Your darling Tristan.
Susannah: Alfred, don't, please.
Alfred: I loved her! I love her still. And he stole her from me. If you want to know the truth of it he stole her from Samuel before the war.
Colonel: God help me, I'll kill you.

Colonel: Ah, Isabel, I have tried to shelter our sons from all the madness, and now, they go to seek it.

[Regarding Tristan's departure]
Susannah: Will he come back?
Colonel: I don't know.
Colonel: [One Stab speaks Cree] Stab says yes.

[going off to war]
Samuel: I'll bring you back the kaiser's helmet.
Colonel: Bring yourself back. That'd please me more.

Colonel: Indians! Indians were the issue in those days. I can assure you, gentlemen, there is nothing quite so grotesque as the meeting of a child with a bullet; or an entire village slaughtered while sleeping. That was the Government's resolution of that particular issue and I have seen nothing in its behavior since then that would persuade me that it has gained either in wisdom, common sense, or humanity.

Samuel: The men who served under you worshipped you.
Colonel: And they were damn fools, all of them, weren't they?

Young: Tristan calls me a half breed.
Colonel: Tristan calls you a half breed?
Young: He says I'm half gopher and half hawk.

Colonel: Screw'm! Screw'm all! Screw the gov'm'nt!