The Best Condor Quotes

Gabrielle: For two million years, we spent most of our time just keeping ourselves alive. Killing the food we needed to keep us from starving, building shelter so we wouldn't freeze, fighting our enemies to protect what was ours. Now we spend our days doing jobs we don't care about, so we can spend our nights in front of a television that tells us to go online and buy things, things we don't need, using money we never see or touch, yet it enslaves us. We've left the real world for an imaginary one, and it's made us crazy.
Bob: Didn't it also make us into a civilized society?
Gabrielle: No. It's made us America.

Gabrielle: [throws envelope on the desk]
Jimmy: What's that?
Gabrielle: Money. It's like Bitcoin, only paper.

Tracy: You know what a regret is? It's wishing you could change something that's unchangeable. Now isn't that stupid?
Robin: You don't have any regrets?
Tracy: What's the point? You made your choice. Now what's the next play? Why beat yourself up over something that's already been done?

Marty: You men and your boys. I've seen this so many times. Latent homosexual impulses don't get released and eventually your brains fill up with jizz.
Bob: Marty, you might want to consider the possibility that you've been trying to get in the boy's club for so long that your ovaries have shriveled up an you lost your woman's intuition.

Bob: Of course not. Why would a fanatic need a contingency plan?