The Best Craig Field Quotes

Craig: [after an argument with Michael] How could you stand growing up with him?
Jennifer: I couldn't. But he left before I could kill him.

Amanda: Uh, what do you think you're doing?
Craig: Relaxing. Which is something you can do now, too. I saw Sydney last night.
Amanda: After I specifically threatened you to stay away from her? How self-destructive can you be?
Craig: Well, I got her to come down on the settlement amount.
Amanda: [sarcastic] Really? And how did you accomplish this amazing feat?
Craig: I just talked to her. You know, I explained it in all detail how potentially damaging it could be to her and she just listened.
Amanda: Sydney couldn't spell "listen", much less do with any level of comprehension.
Craig: Contrary to popular belief, Sydney is actually very smart and very sweet when you get to know her. The truth is that she's just misunderstood my most people. Especially you.
Amanda: What did she do? Throw pixie dust in your face? This woman is a sociopath with a history of greed and opportunism a mile long. She's not going to take less money just 'cause you asked her too. Why would she?
Craig: Because she likes me. In fact, she might even love me.
Amanda: Oh, there really is no accounting for taste, is there? Either way, I'll believe it when I see it.
Craig: Oh, you'll see it... soon. Until then, why not practice by saying "thanks"? I know how hard it is for a person like you to say it.

[to his superior, Billy]
Craig: I don't expect to be treated differently because I'm the boss's son... but I do take cream in my coffee.

Amanda: Until now I have tolerated you childish behavior but this crosses the line.
Craig: I just thought that since San Francisco went so well...
Amanda:'d see if you could charm me into bed? There's only one man who can do that, and that's my husband, whom I happen to love very much.