The Best Damian Lopez Quotes

Damian: I have a lead. A kid in my congregation, one of Mateo's friends He came to me this morning, and asked me to tell you something.
Nyla: When you say "friend," you mean they used to bang together?
Damian: Yeah.He told me Moses's crew is transporting a big shipment of drugs today, hidden in merchandise for his auto shop.
Angela: Wait, I thought you said your informant is in Quinlan's gang.
Damian: He is. What?
Nyla: There's just, there's no way a street-level kid would know something like that, especially about a rival gang. Unless someone wanted him to know.
Angela: Quinlan sent him to tell you.He wants the LAPD to do his dirty work for him.
Damian: I'm-I'm not following.
Angela: He tips us off so we take Moses off the board.Quinlan wins the war without losing any more of his guys.
Damian: So you're not gonna act on the tip?
Nyla: Oh, no.We definitely are.
Wade: Doesn't matter if Quinlan's trying to play us. Any chance we have to put Moses behind bars, we're gonna take it.