The Best Dick York Quotes

Herbert J. Wiggam: Shall we synchronize our watches, Gentlemen?

Capt. Phil Riker: [after Fitzgerald saw a light on Smitty's face and dies minutes later] Fitz?
Lt. Fitzgerald: I was up seeing Smitty.
Capt. Phil Riker: Yeah, I know. I read his tag. Doc said he's gonna be OK.
Lt. Fitzgerald: No, he isn't. I took a look on his face. I took a look at his face and I knew. And a minute later, he's gone.
Capt. Phil Riker: Same thing?
Lt. Fitzgerald: Same thing. The look... funny light or whatever it is. And I knew, Phil. I knew.
Capt. Phil Riker: Fitz, I can't explain this, but...
Lt. Fitzgerald: I don't want you to explain it. How can you explain it? I mean, how can anybody explain it. I just want you to believe it, Captain, that's all I want from you. I want you to believe it.