The Best Draco Malfoy Quotes

Albus: Draco, years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you!
Draco: [crying] I don't need your help! Don't you understand? I have to do this! I have to kill you... or he's gonna kill me!

Professor: Now repeat after me - without wands please - repeat after me, Riddikulus.
Class: Riddikulus!
Professor: Very good. A little louder please, and very clearly. Rid-di-kulus.
Class: Riddikulus!
Malfoy: [under his breath] This class is ridiculous.

Malfoy: Ah, come to see the show?
Hermione: [shouts] You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!
[Hermione raises her wand at Malfoy. He backs against the wall, whimpering]
Ron: Hermione, no! He's not worth it.
[Hermione lowers her wand and turns away. Malfoy starts laughing, she spins around and socks him in the nose]
Vincent: Malfoy! Are you okay? Come on, let's go!
Malfoy: [running away] Quick! Not a word to anyone! Understood?
Hermione: That felt good.
Ron: Not good, brilliant!

Draco: Scared, Potter?
Harry: You wish.

Pansy: [looking at Malfoy's arm in a sling] Does it hurt terribly, Draco?
Malfoy: It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself luckily. If it wasn't for Madame Pomfrey, another minute or two and I could have lost my arm; couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks.

Malfoy: Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five!
Harry: [enraged] I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!
Malfoy: Pathetic?
[draws his wand]
Professor: OH NO, YOU DON'T, SONNY!
[transifgures Malfoy into a ferret]
Professor: I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!
[proceeds to flick the ferret up and down]
Professor: You stinking, cowardly, scummy...
Professor: [running up to Professor Moody] Professor Moody!
Professor: Back-shooting...
Professor: Wha- What are you doing?
Professor: Teaching.
Professor: Is that a- Is that a student?
Professor: Technically, it's a ferret.
[dumps the ferret down Crabbe's trousers]
Gregory: Stand still! Stand still!
[Attempts to remove the ferret from Crabbe's trousers, only to be bitten. Moody turns and winks at a Harry, who is laughing gleefully. The ferret crawls out of Crabbe's trousers, and McGonagall turns Malfoy back into his normal human self]
Malfoy: [standing up] My father will hear about this!
Professor: Is that a threat?
[Malfoy turns and runs]
Professor: Professor Moody...
Professor: IS THAT A THREAT?
Professor: Professor...
Professor: Alastor!
Professor: Alastor! We NEVER use transfiguration as a punishment! surely, Dumbledore told you that?
Professor: He might've mentioned it.
Professor: Well, you will do well to remember it.
[turns around]
Professor: [to a group of students standing nearby] Away!
[as she walks away, Moody sticks his tongue out at her]
Professor: [turns to Harry] You. Come with me.

Oliver: I don't believe it! Where you think you're going, Flint?
Marcus: Qudditch practice!
Oliver: I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today.
Marcus: Easy, Wood. I've got a note.
Ron: Uh-oh. I smell trouble.
Oliver: "I, Professor Severus Snape do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker." You've got a new seeker? Who?
[Malfoy steps out from behind the crowd]
Harry: Malfoy?
Draco: That's right. And that's not all that's new this year.
[shows everyone the new brooms]
Ron: Those are Nimbus Two-Thousand and Ones! How'd you get those?
Marcus: A gift from Draco's father.
Draco: You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best.
Hermione: At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.
Draco: No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!
Ron: You'll pay for that one Malfoy! Eat slugs!
[Ron 's jinx backfires, hitting him in his chest and knocking him several feet backwards. The Gryffindor team and Hermione run to his side]
Hermione: You okay, Ron? Say something!
[Ron opens his mouth and coughs up a huge slug and Colin Creevey begins snapping away with his camera]
Colin: Wow! Can you turn him around Harry?
Harry: No Colin! Get out of the way!
[he and Hermione assist Ron up]
Harry: Come on, let's take him to Hagrid's.
[Ron throws up another slug]
Harry: He'll know what to do.
[he, Hermione, and Ron run off to Hagrid's as Ron continues to throw up slugs. Malfoy looks at them, then back at his teammates, laughing]

Draco: [after having Harry's picture taken] Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter. Famous Harry Potter can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page.
Ginny: Leave him alone.
Draco: Oh, look, Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend.

Argus: [Holding Malfoy] Professor Slughorn, sir. I've just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to be invited to your party.
Draco: Ok! Ok! I was gate crashing. Happy?

Ron: Blimey, Dad! How far up are we?
Lucius: [from below] Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know.
Malfoy: [boasting] Father and I are in the minister's box. By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself.
Lucius: [poking Draco with his cane] Don't boast, Draco.
[hits the railing above him with the top of his cane, talking to Harry]
Lucius: Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can.

Draco: [looking at Harry's broken nose] Nice face, Potter!
[Harry nods disdainfully; Luna pulls out her wand]
Luna: Would you like me to fix it for you? Personally, I think you look a little more devil-may-care this way, but it's up to you.
Harry: Um... have you ever fixed a nose before?
Luna: No. But I've done several toes, and how different are they, really?
Harry: ...Okay, yeah, sure, give it a go.
Luna: Episkey!
[a loud crack]
Harry: Augh...!
[rubs his nose gingerly; looks at Luna]
Harry: Well? How do I look?
Luna: Exceptionally ordinary.
Harry: ...Brilliant.

Lucius: Mr. Potter! Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me, your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.
Harry: Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer.
Lucius: You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish.
Hermione: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
Lucius: And you must be Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you. And your parents. Muggles, aren't they? Let me see. Red hair... vacant expressions... tatty second hand book... you must be the Weasleys.
Arthur: Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside.
Lucius: Well, well, well. Weasley Senior.
Arthur: Lucius.
Lucius: Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime. Though judging by the state of this, I'd say not.
[picks up a book out of Ginny's cauldron and discreetly slips Riddle's diary along with it back in the cauldron without anyone noticing]
Lucius: What's the use in being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?
Arthur: We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.
Lucius: Clearly. Associating with muggles. And I thought your family could sink no lower.
Lucius: [to Arthur as he walks out of Flourish & Blotts] See you at work.
Draco: [to Harry as he walks out] See you at school.

Professor: Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken.
Harry: 50?
[Ron and Hermione also looking shocked, Draco smirking]
Professor: Each.
[Harry's mouth drops open]
Professor: And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all four of you will receive detention.
Draco: [smirk suddenly fades and steps up] Excuse me, professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the four of us.
Professor: No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention.

Draco: [to Harry, disguised as Goyle] Why are you wearing glasses?
Goyle: Oh, uh... reading.
Draco: Reading? I didn't know you could read.

Draco: You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.
[he holds out his hand, which Harry doesn't take]
Harry: I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.