The Best Eleanor Bishop Quotes

Nick: All right, hold on now!
[Sammy is desperately trying to start the food truck]
Nick: Are you trying to flee the scene, Sammy?
Sammy: I told you, I am not Sammy
Nick: Turn off your engine
Sammy: Turn it off? I can't even turn it on
Nick: Stop trying!
Sammy: [Bishop is waving her badge] What's does that badge say?
Eleanor: NCIS
Sammy: [Hands over the keys to Nick] You know, food trucks make lousy getaway cars

Eleanor: Hey, how's Gibbs?
Timothy: Uh, I'm not sure. He said, "There's more to life than the job."
Eleanor: Gibbs said that?
Timothy: Yeah, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Eleanor: So, the victim's name is Chief Petty Officer Norman Mason, 33, he's a marine reservist, who runs an escape from out of his house
Leroy: Escape what?
Jimmy: Oh, it's a game. They lock you in a room and you have to solve a mystery before the clock runs out
Leroy: What do you win when you solve?
Jimmy: They let you out of the room
Leroy: What if you don't solve?
Jimmy: They, eh, they... they also let you out of the room
[Gibbs stares at him]
Jimmy: I... I feel I am not explaining this right