The Best Father Phil Intintola Quotes

Carmela: And I thought he was changing. I thought therapy was gonna help clear up the f*' freak show in his head.
Father: Carmela, I'm sure you're wrong about them. Therapy is a start. A good start. But, yes, it doesn't fix the soul. He's gonna need help from other sources to repair that.
Carmela: Well, then you talk to him. You help him.
Father: But, well, there you go. Will he listen.

Carmela: I was thinking about when we watched "Casablanca" last week.
Father: That new print is great, huh?
Carmela: You know when Bogie says "Of all the lousy gin joints in the world, why did you have to pick mine."? Of all the finook priests in the world, why did I have to get the one who's straight?

Gabriella: [after entering his office] I'm so upset, I don't know what to say
Father: why? What's wrong?
Gabriella: what's wrong? Carmela is one of your biggest supporters and friends, how dare you let her suffer humiliation and embarrassment at the hands of an "outsider"?
Father: I don't know what you mean
Gabriella: oh, you know "exactly" what I mean. Unfortunately, because of her husband's high profile in the "waste" industry, Carmela's the one who bears the brunt of these insults but there are many of us that were equally offended
Father: I am sorry, this is an open forum, you did hear me bring up that new study?
Gabriella: look, if that's your idea of a good luncheon speaker, I suggest you think about who really keeps this parish alive year after year