30 Best Frances Ha Quotes

Frances: I put my ring on my thumb and I'm having trouble getting it off.
Sophie: Hold your hand above your head. I'll drain the blood out.
Frances: I look like I'm asking a *question*.

Frances: I'm poor.
Benji: That's actually offensive to poor people.

Sophie: [about Patch] He's a nice guy... for today.

Frances: I'm going to use this credit card I got in the mail.
Sophie: That's not smart. That's what they want, they want to keep you in debt.
Frances: I know that. I see documentaries.

Frances: I'm not messy, I'm busy.

Frances: I love you Sophie, even if you love your phone that has e-mail more than you love me.
Sophie: My phone that has e-mail doesn't leave a casserole dish in the sink for three days.

Sophie: The only people who can afford to be artists in New York are rich.

Frances: I'm too tall to marry.

Frances: [at a French cinema] Hello. When did "Puss in Boots" start?

Frances: Do I look old to you?
Benji: No. Yes.
Frances: How old?
Benji: Older than I am.
Frances: Older than 27?
Benji: No. 27 is old, though.

Benji: It's after three, I can drink.

Frances: We are like a lesbian couple that doesn't have sex anymore.

Frances: I have so much to do. I think I'll probably read Proust... Because sometimes it's good to do what you're supposed to when you're supposed to do it.
Caroline: Proust is pretty heavy.
Frances: Yeah, but it's worth it, I hear.
Caroline: No, I meant the book. Carrying it on the plane.
Frances: I should probably learn French first... and then read it in French.

Lev: [wrapped in a towel, walking between Frances and Sophie] I'm just trying to get your attention.

Benji: I think it's a great day. I ate an egg bagel that Lev's slut made me. I internet-acquired three pairs of very rare Ray Bans. I'm doing awesome.

Frances: But your blog looks so happy.
Sophie: I don't think my *mom* would read it if it were about depression.
Frances: My mom would.
[Sophie chuckles]

Rachel: Fuck, I sound like a gay grandma.

Nessa: Aren't you a lot older than Sophie?
Frances: No, we went to college together.
Nessa: Hm, you seem older.
Frances: I'm a couple months older.
Nessa: Like, a lot older. But less, like, grown up. It's weird.

Benji: Who were you fucking last week, Frances?
Frances: I make love
Benji: Frances: undateable

Benji: Are you still undateable?
Frances: Oh yes, very undateable.

Frances: Tell me the story of us.
Sophie: Again? All right, Frances. We are gonna take over the world.
Frances: You'll be this awesomely bitchy publishing mogul.
Sophie: And you'll be this famous modern dancer... and I'll publish a really expensive book about you.
Frances: That d-bags we make fun of will put on their coffee tables.
Sophie: And we'll co-own a vacation apartment in Paris.
Frances: And we'll have lovers.
Sophie: And no children.
Frances: And we'll speak at college graduations.
Sophie: And honorary degrees.
Frances: So many honorary degrees.

Benji: Yup. I was there when Serge Gainsbourg died.
Caroline: Weren't you like, eight?
Benji: Yeah. It was the end of Euro disco.

Frances: Don't treat me like a three-hour brunch friend!

Frances: I like things that look like mistakes.

Lev: Just because you bought dinner doesn't mean I'm gonna sleep with you.
Frances: I'm not trying to sleep with you.
Lev: No, I was pretending to be a liberated woman.

Lev: Don't mind me, I'm just trying to get your attention.

Andy: So what do you do?
Frances: Eh... It's kinda hard to explain.
Andy: Because what you do is complicated?
Frances: Eh... Because I don't really do it.

Frances: Sometimes it's good to do what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it.

Sophie: It's just this apartment is very... aware of itself.

Benji: Let's do something fun. We could go to a movie.
Frances: Movies are so expensive now.
Benji: Yeah, but you're at the movies.