The Best Garona Quotes

[after Lothar defeats Blackhand]
Gul'dan: Kill him.
[No one moves]
Gul'dan: Kill him!
Garona: Gul'dan, the Mak'Gora is sacred. The human won fairly. Honor our traditions.
Gul'dan: I will not be disobeyed!
[as Lothar walks toward his griffon, the orcs make way for him, saluting respectfully]
Gul'dan: What are you waiting for? Do as I say! Traitors! Get out of my way, I'll do it myself-!
Garona: [steps in front of him] Who will follow you after this? If you do this... you will lose the Horde. And this war is just beginning.

Garona: [on Khadgar] He wishes to lie with me.
Khadgar: I beg your pardon?
Garona: You would be injured.
Khadgar: I don't want to lie with you!
Garona: Good. You would not be an effective mate.
[Lother snickers]
Garona: Why do you laugh? I cannot see how you humans survive such a thing. How you survive anything. No muscles to protect you, brittle bones that break.

Anduin: Sounds like a trap.
Garona: It is not.
Anduin: Could be.
Garona: It is not.
Anduin: Could be.
Garona: It is not.