The Best George Burbank Quotes

George: What you said about her boy tonight, Phil. It made her cry.
Phil: She had her ear to the door?
George: She was crying, Phil.
Phil: Well, hell. The boy had to snap out of it and get human. Just pointed it out, is all. She should damn well know.

[George is crying]
Rose: What is it, George?
George: I just want to say... how nice it is not to be alone.

George: I just came over to hear to speak about something.
Phil: Come on partner. Open your talker. What is it?
George: His Nibs will be joining us for dinner. And the old gent and the old lady.
Phil: Well sir, ain't we going into society.
[both chuckle]
Phil: [on Rose] She on the "panana" again? Setting your teeth on edge?
George: No. I like to hear Rose play.
Phil: Well, old timer, what is it? What's in the noodle?
George: Well... Phil... I... I just...
Phil: Go on, spit it out.
George: It's just... about His Nibs, the governor.
Phil: Alright.
George: And er... it's not so much about His Nibs... but er, his wife, actually. I was thinking, His Nibs probably wouldn't mind so much. But... his missus might.
Phil: Might what, for dear Christ's sake?
George: Well, it's sort of a hard thing... to say. She might mind if you come to the table without a wash up.
[Phil is too angry to reply]
George: [leaving] Yeah.

George: Rose isn't well, Phil. She's ill.
Phil: Not well? It is high time that bozo and you got next to a few... whatever you call them? Facts! She stashes alcohol all around the place, even drinking in the stinking alley. Look at your face in the mirror! Is it that she could like? Or our money? WAKE! THE HELL UP!
George: [calmly] That's enough, Phil. Well, what is the harm? The hides were only going to be burned.
Phil: [with a pained expression] I needed them. *I* needed them.
George: Well, I apologise.
George: [walks away]
Phil: They were MINE! I needed them!

George: I was looking for you.
Phil: Well, you found me.
George: Everyone's here. We're just about to eat. They were asking after you.
Phil: Really?
George: Yes, we're counting on your conversation. I wanted to apologise for what I said...
Phil: You two can keep your apologies to yourself, I'm not coming.
George: And what will I say? The Old Lady wants to see you, they've both come a long way.
Phil: Then you tell them the truth. That I stink and I like it!

George: Did you write to the old lady?
Phil: Yeah, I dropped them both a line.
George: Did you say something about Rose?
Phil: Rose. Yeah well, you and I know what the old lady would feel if she thought you were getting mixed up with her. She'd likely have a haemorrhage.
George: The old lady would feel as one Mrs Burbank would for another Mrs Burbank.
Phil: Come again?
George: We were married Sunday. She got rid of her property in Beech.

Phil: You got a sore gut?
George: No.
Phil: It looks it pains you to hit two words together.