The Best George Lassiter Quotes

George: [Joe meets him at a golf club] Something from the bar, Joe? Uh, coffee?
Joe: Yeah, coffee's fine.
George: Jack, coffee and a scotch on the rocks.
Joe: Okay, George, now, just what the hell is this all about?
George: Well... it was a false alarm. I... I'm sorry, I tried to call you, but you'd already left.
Joe: Everything's all right with Jeannie?
George: Absolutely. I just got spooked. Overreacted.
Joe: Overreacted to what?
George: Well, I know this sounds ridiculous... but... I thought Jeannie'd been kidnapped.
Joe: And what made you think that?
George: Well... I, uh... I got up early and played nine holes and came back, and her car was there, but she wasn't. Her room was in shambles, and I checked with Gloria, and she didn't know where she was, either.
Joe: And that's when you called me?
George: Yeah. And then an hour later, I found a note from her. The wind had blown it off the bar. A friend had driven her to the airport and... put her on a plane to Chicago.
Joe: Chicago? What's in Chicago?
George: A wedding. Girl from school. She was invited to be a bridesmaid.
Joe: Ah. Well, I... must admit, I like it a lot better this way. After all, Jeannie is my only goddaughter.
[checks his watch]
Joe: Just sorry I won't get a chance to see her or Gloria.
George: Oh, you mean you've got to go right back?
Joe: Yeah, I'm way up to my neck. The world's full of people in trouble.
Al: George... you want a shot at getting your eight grand back, you better hustle, boy.
George: Oh, uh... I'll be right with you, cowboy.
Joe: Eight grand? Is he that good?
George: His cards are.
Joe: Ah. You know, the last time I heard from you, George, you told me you'd kick gambling, and you were trying to put it all back together with Gloria.
George: I still am. But this Al Ritchie showed up from Fort Worth claiming to be the best gin player in Texas, and I couldn't resist taking a crack at him. I apologize again.
Joe: Aw, forget it.
George: Joe, can I give you a ride to the airport?
Joe: Oh, no, no, no, don't bother. I'll catch a cab. George, be sure and give Jenny my love, huh?
George: Will do.
Al: Nice to have met you, Joe.
Joe: Likewise.