The Best Georgie Quotes

Georgie: Hey Ralph!
Ralph: I have come to reclaim Rome... for my people.
Georgie: How ya doin'?
Ralph: [grabs Georgie by the neck, yelling] I have come to reclaim Rome... for my people!
Georgie: I don't get it. What do you mean?
Ralph: Fuckin' Gladiator, ya fuck!
Georgie: Oooh, the movie! I didn't see it.
Ralph: You're an asshole then.

Tony: [as he enters the Bada Bing strip club, referring to the captains Silvio assembled together to meet Tony for a private meeting] they over there?
Silvio: I was able to reach everybody
Tony: [to Georgie as he walks by the bar] what the fuck are you doing?
Georgie: [while emptying the ice bucket] what Tone?
Tony: You're wasting fuckin ice
Georgie: Tone, it's mostly melted
Tony: You're going to argue with me now?
Georgie: No, Tone
Tony: You don't have to see the monthly statements from this place we're hemorrhaging fuckin money out of here
Georgie: No, Tone your right I don't
Tony: You think that shit grows on trees?
Georgie: [Genuinely confused by his idiom] ice? No I don't
Tony: What, are you getting cute with me?
Georgie: No
Tony: I think you are. I think you're getting a fuckin attitude on you
Georgie: I'm not. Ice, Tone when it hangs around...
Silvio: [Interrupts him, implying he should stop talking or he'll anger Tony even further] Georgie, be quiet
Georgie: It gets watery, it dilutes the drinks, especially scotch
Silvio: [Shakes his head, knowing Tony's going to beat Georgie] Jesus Christ
Tony: [throws a cup of ice at him from his right then beats him with the empty metal ice bucket] here throw it all away, waste it all Mr. John D. Rockefeller, waste it all!

Georgie: [repeated line to strippers at the Bada Bing telling them what he wants if he wants to let them into the VIP lounge] it's fifty bucks to me and a blowjob later on.