The Best Hannah West Quotes

Hannah: Marlon didn't kill Stacy. I did.
[stands up and opens her sweater to reveal a dirty and bloody shirt]
Hannah: I was wearing this when I did.

Hannah: Look, I don't need a lawyer, and I don't need my parents. I just want to do what's right.
Sara: Hannah, taking the blame for something you didn't do may be noble, but it doesn't make it right.
Hannah: That's deep. Okay. It happened like this: Stacy humiliated me, I wanted revenge.
Sara: Yeah, and you knew that there was no way you were ever going to get it by yourself.

Sara: [to Hannah about Stacy's murder] You put sodium in the showerhead to get back at her?
Hannah: A prank for a prank. I thought that there'd be a few sparks, that she'd freak out and that'd be it, but the nozzle exploded. Stacy ran... and fell down the stairs... and died. I tried to cover it up.
Sara: You miscalculated.
Hannah: I guess I did.

Sara: [to Hannah] Hey, there.
Hannah: Did you come to say bye?
Sara: No. Actually, you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other. If you thought the DA wouldn't prosecute a twelve-year-old for murder, you were wrong. He wants justice for Stacy and her family.
Hannah: Of course. He's a totally linear thinker. Most of you guys are.

Hannah: [to Sara] You need to talk to me again?
Sara: I do. I know that you killed Kira Dellinger. I just can't prove it.
Hannah: That must be frustrating for you.
Sara: Hannah, Marlon's dead.
Hannah: Wow. That's a really sad and desperate ploy, Sara. It's beneath you.
[Sara shows Hannah the photo of Marlon hanging at the windowsill]
Hannah: .
Sara: He was doing well here, wasn't he? Making friends, joining a band, falling in love. But you're still a freak, just like high school.
Hannah: You're lying. No. This is a lie.
Sara: His world got bigger, and yours stayed the same, and you killed Kira so you could keep him all to yourself, didn't you?
Hannah: [screams] It's a lie! No... it's a lie! It's a lie! This is a... lie!
[She drops her backpack and grabs Sara's hands. Sara struggles with her and kneels as Hannah cries]
Hannah: Stop it! Marlon... he-he-he can't leave me all alone.
[Sara puts her arm around Hannah]

Hannah: [to Sara] He didn't kill Kira. He cared about her.
Sara: Hannah, what makes you think that I would believe anything that you tell me?
Hannah: [sweetly smiles] I suppose I'm an optimist. College has been a difficult adjustment for Marlon, especially after we lost our parents.
Sara: I'm sorry about that.
Hannah: You're not really, though. When will Marlon be able to leave?
Sara: Well, we're going to keep him here as long as we possibly can.
Hannah: At least that's honest. It also seems a little vindictive.
Sara: Given your brother's history, I think it's pretty sensible.
Hannah: What's wrong, Sara? You're different than you used to be. You're angry. And a little sad, too. Why?
Sara: If you want to spend more time with your brother, I recommend you invest in a good lawyer, Hannah.

Hannah: You don't expect me to confess to something I didn't do?
Sara: I am just putting you on notice. You are not fooling me anymore.
Hannah: I think I know why you're so angry, Sara. I did some research. I read about what that serial killer did to you out in the desert, under that car...
Sara: We're talking about you, Hannah.
Hannah: It must've been so terrible being trapped like that all alone. Did your life flash in front of your eyes?
Sara: That is none of your business.
Hannah: You must've been so sad knowing that you were gonna lose everyone who mattered to you.
Sara: Stop it, Hannah.
Hannah: Look, I know how it feels. One moment my parents were alive, and the next they were gone.
Sara: Answer the question!
Hannah: My life changed in that moment. All that I have left is Marlon. Why would I do anything to hurt him?
Sara: [stands and hits the table] Stop playing games with me!
[leaves the room]
Hannah: You're the one who's playing games.

Hannah: When's the last time you had to sit down to be eye level with a murder suspect who is standing up?
Sara: Hannah, you are smart.
Hannah: So I've been told.
Sara: But you are not smart enough to get away with murder.
Hannah: I think I am. A lot of people are smart enough to get away with murder. You probably are too. But you have to be really smart to make people think things happened... that never did.
Sara: What do you mean... exactly?
Hannah: Please don't worry about me. I'm going to be fine.
[leans in]
Hannah: [whispering] I didn't kill Stacy. Marlon did.

Hannah: Freaks are always good box office.

Hannah: You don't think I could have done it. Either one of you.
Sara: That's a big job... for a little girl.
Hannah: Not if you have the right tools.
Sara: Smart kid like you, knows your brother is suffering, you feel bad, you wanna help... so you fabricate some evidence.
Hannah: Uh, if you thought the evidence was fake I wouldn't still be in jail.

Marlon: Hannah, they're going to put me away for the rest of my life.
Hannah: The evidence is against you, particularly given your history of violence.
Marlon: Please... after everything I've done for you, after everything we've done for each other, at least tell me why.
Hannah: Because I love you.
Marlon: And I love you, too.
Hannah: No, you don't. But you will. I promise, I'll visit you every week.