The Best Harry Osborn Quotes

Harry: [watches Peter skip a rock in the water] Dude. Nice arm.
Peter: It's just the wrist. It's just all in the wrist, buddy.

Harry: Peter Parker. It's like seeing a ghost.
Peter: Hey, Harry.
Harry: Random. What, ten years?
Peter: It's eight. But you're close.
Harry: What's up?
Peter: I saw the news, man. I heard about your dad and I wanted to come and... Just wanted to come and see you. Check to see how you were doing.
Harry: I'm with some people. I'm in a... I'm in a meeting.
Peter: Sorry, I don't wanna intrude. I know it's been a long time. I kind of know exactly what you're going through right now. And you were so there for me when my parents... Well, that's why I'm here for you.
Harry: Thank you.
Peter: It's good to see you, man. It's good to see you. I'm sorry about your dad.
[turns to leave]
Harry: You got your braces off.
[Peter turns back to him again]
Harry: Now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow.
[they start to laugh]
Peter: There he is. There he is! You still blow-dry your hair every morning?
Harry: Well, you know, one of my manservants holds the hair dryer. But I work the comb, okay? So at least I'm not completely helpless.
Peter: You're stupid.
[they hug]

[from trailer]
Harry: It's been 10 years. What have you been up to?
Peter: I do some web designs.

Harry: I'm sorry he never introduced us. I thought you two had broken up.
Gwen: Oh... Yeah. Yes, we had. And it's...
Harry: It's complicated.
Gwen: Complicated. Yeah.
Harry: I mean, it's Peter. Everything's always complicated with Peter.
Gwen: Yeah. Yeah... Yeah, you're right.
Harry: But that's why he needs you. Right? To help him make his choices clear.

Harry: [to Electro] Psst! I'm gonna get you out of here, alright. But we don't have much time.
Electro: Who are you?
Harry: I'm Harry Osborn. I want to make you a deal.
Electro: I should kill you.
Harry: Oh, come on. Think bigger, Max. I'm not the one you want. You want Spider-Man and I can give him to you.

[from trailer]
Harry: You're gonna wanna see this.
[shows Peter OsCorp records]
Harry: OsCorp had you under surveillance.
Peter: Why?
Harry: Isn't that the question of the day?

[from trailer]
Harry: What about Peter?
Norman Osborn: Not everyone has a happy ending...

Harry: How the tables have turned. I know it's hard to admit, but how spectacular a move is this? Am I right?
Electro: Right as rain.
Harry: Okay, so, Fairy Godmother, it is time to grant me a wish. I want in to Special...
Donald: How dare you come back in here? You recalcitrant, unworthy, defective, urchin freaks.
[Electro zaps Menken]
Harry: Oh, God, sorry. That's just not the answer we were looking for.

Electro: You wanna be my friend?
Harry: I thought we were already friends.
Electro: I had a friend once. It didn't work out.
Harry: Yeah. Me too.
Electro: Then let's go catch a spider.

[from trailer]
Harry: We LITERALLY can change the world!