The Best Hizdahr zo Loraq Quotes

Hizdahr: You don't approve?
Tyrion: There's always been more than enough death in my life. I can do without it in my leisure time.
Hizdahr: Fair enough.

[first lines]
Hizdahr: I'm so sorry, my Queen. He was a good man.
Daenerys: "Barristan the Bold," they called him. He crossed a continent to serve me. He was a loyal friend. And he died in an alley.
[tearfully: ]
Daenerys: Butchered by cowards who hide behind masks.
Daario: We could pull back to the pyramid district, secure it, and use it as a base from which to operate. Then... we clean the city out, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street, till the rats have nowhere left to hide.
Daenerys: I prefer your earlier suggestion. Round up the leaders of each of Meereen's great families and bring them to me.
Hizdahr: But... I'm the leader of my family.
[Daario nods at the guards, and they grab him]
Hizdahr: No, Your Grace! I had nothing to do with this...! Your Grace!

Hizdahr: [after Queen Daenerys distances herself from being a politician] Forgive me. You're right, of course. Still... it's easier to rule happy subjects than angry ones.
Daenerys: I don't expect the Wise Masters of Yunkai to be happy. Slavery made them rich. I ended slavery.
Hizdahr: They do not ask for the return of slavery. They ask for the reopening of the fighting pits.
Daenerys: The fighting pits? Where slaves fought slaves to the death?
Hizdahr: In the new world that you've brought to us, free men would fight free men. The pit fighters you liberated plead for this opportunity. Bring some here and ask them yourself.
Daenerys: [adamant] No fighting pits.
Hizdahr: Opening them would show the people of Yunkai and Meereen that you respect their traditions.
Daenerys: I do not respect the tradition of human cockfighting.
Hizdahr: If you could...
Daenerys: [angrily] How many times must I say no before you understand?

Tyrion: It's easy to confuse what is with what ought to be, especially when what is has worked out in your favor.
Hizdahr: I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about the necessary conditions for greatness.
[Daenerys gestures to the fighting arena, where a man has just been beheaded]
Daenerys: *That* is greatness?
Hizdahr: That is a vital part of the great city of Meereen, which existed long before you or I and will remain standing long after we have returned to the dirt.
Tyrion: My father would have liked you.