20 Best Ian Hart Quotes

Voldemort: There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it.

King: Beocca... You should wash out your mouth.
Beocca: Yes Lord, I will. With ale.

- They are not to approach the palace!
[Asser] Father, they will hack the likes of us to pieces.
Beocca: The king! Where is the king?
[Younger] The king will have to make his own arrangements.
- And what of me? Odda! Odda!
Uhtred: Leofric, this way!

- And I would rather be at the top of a hill than on the flat.
- I say we march to asec's hill.
- Take them both, make them secure.
- Lord.
- What is this?
- I have spoken the truth.
- I have spoken the truth. Father beocca.
Beocca: My lord, please.
- Beocca, help me! Beocca!
Beocca: Have faith!

Thomas: [to Tuunbaq] What in the name of God took you so fucking long?

Alfred: Odda is not a danger.
Uhtred: But who sits with odda?
Alfred: I will not hide.
Beocca: Lord. Hear the advice.
- You are a symbol of wessex, the standard around which our army will gather.
- You can't be put at risk.
- Very well.

- Thyra.
- I forbid it.
Beocca: Please.
- Please...
- Let me help you.
- I am a friend.

- Clapa's a bear. A big, angry bear.
- Should we call a halt?
- No, not at all.
- With a little luck, a blow will land.
Beocca: All he's doing is showing off his feathers.
- I believe the lady feels the same.
- They usually do.
- Even his scars are handsome.

- We are here at the request of Alfred of wessex!
- The king will wish to see us!
Uhtred: Open the doors.
Beocca: Uhtred, I will speak first.
Uhtred: Father, you will say nothing.

- And if today I die?
- I have not seen your death.
Beocca: Uhtred!
- Uhtred!
- The king wishes to speak to you.
- - about what?
- He is unsure what to wear this morning and needs your advice. With me.

- We move!
Beocca: Can you smell the northern sea, boy, the northumbrian air?
Uhtred: I smell it and I feel it, father.
- It feels like home.
Beocca: That it does.

- I should kill you now.
- I should take you piece by piece.
- No, please, spare me.
- Odin would forgive me I'm sure of it.
- I will be a changed man.
Uhtred: You will never change.
- You cannot change!
Beocca: Lord!
- Lord, I beg you.
- That he fears you is enough.
Beocca: Let him take that fear to kjartan.

- The charters of bebbanburg.
Beocca: Yeah, the land books. Yeah.
- You kept them safe.
- I have shown them to Alfred.
- He knows you are the ealdorman by right.
- I will continue to keep them safe, but, uhtred, you must behave like an ealdorman.

- He'll send for you when he has scraped the mud and blood from his mail.
Brida: We will give thanks to Odin for our deliverance.
Beocca: Do that.
Brida: We are Danes!
[Guard] Show respect!
- Do it again, and I will cut you cock to throat.

- Guthred himself was captured and sold as a slave.
- Then he would be prepared to raise an army against kjartan?
- He would be an ally, I'm sure.
Hild: As I'm sure uhtred is but one man.
- Against many.
Beocca: No.
- No, uhtred is more than just one man.
- And he is here for a reason.

Professor: Troll! In the dungeons!
[looks sick]
Professor: Thought you ought to know.
[faints and crumples onto the floor]

- He rides uhtred's horse.
Beocca: Osbert.

- It is.
- She is confined to a nunnery.
- Whilst Edward marries another without so much as a backward glance it appears.
- I would understand it entirely if you could not serve him.
- But do men like you and me really have a choice?
Beocca: The king.

- Two days ago.
Beocca: Praise god. Praise him.
- Well, then wessex is saved.
- It is, yeah, for a time.
- Guthrum will have no choice now but to make peace.
- As your father recovers, take his place.
- His lands will be your lands and more.
- Wessex is saved.

- The memories will overwhelm you.
- It was a different life, beocca.
- I am a different woman.
- I'm with you, always.
Beocca: Riders.
- We should hide ourselves.