Top 20 Quotes From Indira Varma

Olenna: The last time a Tyrell came to Dorne, he was assassinated. Hundred red scorpions, was it?
Ellaria: You have nothing to fear from us, Lady Olenna.
Olenna: You murder your own prince, but you expect me to trust you?
Obara: We invited you to Dorne because we needed your help. You came to Dorne because you needed our help.
Olenna: What is your name again? Barbaro?
[Nymeria chuckles]
Obara: Obara.
Olenna: [nods] Obara. You look like an angry little boy. Don't presume to tell me what I need.
Nymeria: Forgive my sister. What she lacks in diplomacy, she makes...
Olenna: Do shut up, dear.
[Olenna turns to Tyene]
Olenna: Anything from you?
[Tyene opens her mouth, but before she can say even one word, Olenna interrupts her]
Olenna: No? Good. Let the grown women speak.
Ellaria: The Lannisters have declared war on House Tyrell. They have declared war on Dorne. We must be allies now if we wish to survive.
Olenna: Cersei stole the future from me. She killed my son. She killed my grandson. She killed my granddaughter. Survival is not what I'm after now.
Ellaria: You're absolutely right. I chose the wrong words. It is not survival I offer. It is your heart's desire.
[Ellaria rings a bell]
Olenna: [smiles] And what is my heart's desire?
Ellaria: Vengeance.
Ellaria: Justice.
[to Olenna's surprise, Varys appears. He looks at Olenna gravely]
Lord: Fire and Blood.

Ellaria: The gods are not fools.
- You would have been a lousy adventurer.
- And oberyn, he would have been a terrible ruler.
- Your mother is a brilliant woman, you know that?
Maester: Prince doran.

Bela: Ajay, we don't have anything to hide... do we?

Ellaria: No wonder you can't stand, you have no spine.
[Ellaria starts to leave. Doran grabs her wrist]
Doran: You are mother to four of my nieces, girls I love very much. For their sake, I hope you live a long and happy life. Speak to me that way again and you won't.

Ellaria: [getting amorous with Yara] A foreign invasion is under way.

Lady: To my experience, dragons are fiercely intelligent, calculating creatures. Their machinations run deep.

[Tywin and Cersei are strolling through the wedding feast]
Tywin: You're in rather a good mood.
Cersei: I suppose I am.
Tywin: I won't ask why.
Cersei: Small pleasures.
[Oberyn and Ellaria walk past]
Oberyn: Your Grace! Lord Tywin!
Tywin: Prince Oberyn.
Oberyn: I don't believe you have met Ellaria. This is the Lord Hand, Tywin Lannister, and Cersei Lannister, the Queen Regent. I suppose it is "former Queen Regent" now. Lord Hand, Lady Cersei... Ellaria Sand.
Ellaria: My lord. My lady.
Tywin: Charmed.
Cersei: Can't say I've ever met a Sand before.
[awkward silence]
Ellaria: We are everywhere in Dorne. I have ten thousand brothers and sisters.
Oberyn: Bastards are born of passion, aren't they? We don't despise them in Dorne.
Cersei: No? How tolerant of you.
Oberyn: I expect it is a relief, Lady Cersei, giving up your regal responsibilities. Wearing the crown for so many years must have left your neck a bit crooked.
Cersei: I suppose you'll never know, Prince Oberyn. It's a shame your older brother couldn't attend the wedding.
Tywin: Please give him my regards. With any luck, the gout will abate with time and he'll be able to walk again.
Oberyn: They call it a rich man's disease. A wonder you don't have it.
Tywin: Noblemen in my part of the country don't enjoy the same lifestyle as our counterparts in Dorne.
Oberyn: People everywhere have their differences. In some places, the highborn frown upon those of low birth. In other places, the rape and murder of women and children is considered distasteful. What a fortunate thing for you, former Queen Regent, that your daughter Myrcella has been sent to live in a latter sort of place.

Ellaria: It's always changing, who we're supposed to love and who we're not. The only thing that stays the same is that we want who we want.

Mark: Did you tell him?
Mark: Zoe, he needs to know. All this sneaking around, it's mad. You've been separated for months. He's the only one that doesn't seem to know.
Zoe: I know, I know, I know, I know. I wasn't going to tell him when he was... You know, getting better. Now I wake up, I feel sick. I've got this permanent knot in my stomach.
[sighs and exhales]
Zoe: It's gonna kill him.
Mark: Well, you can't keep lying. It's cruel.

[about Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane]
Ellaria: You're going to fight that?
Oberyn: I'm going to kill that.

Tyrion: If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms.
Ellaria: It's called war. If you don't have the stomach for it, scurry back into hiding.
Tyrion: I know how you wage war. We DON'T poison little girls here. Myrcella was innocent.
Ellaria: She was a Lannister. There are no innocent Lannisters. My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you.
Daenerys: [interrupts] That's enough! Lord Tyrion is Hand of the Queen, you will treat him with respect. I am not here to be Queen of the Ashes.
Olenna: That's very nice to hear. Of course, I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter. The common people loved her, the Nobles loved her, and what is left of her now? Ashes. Commoners, Nobles, they're all just children, really. They won't obey you unless they fear you.
Daenerys: I'm grateful to you, Lady Olenna, for your counsel. I'm grateful to all of you, but you have chosen to follow me. I will not attack King's Landing. WE will not attack King's Landing.

Ellaria: Don't leave me alone in this world.
Oberyn: Never.

Ellaria: [to the Sand Snakes] You must choose. Doran's way and peace or my way and war.

[last lines]
Zoe: [to John] You're obsessive. You're driven. God knows you're misguided. What you never are is a liar. Not to me. Nor a coward.

Ellaria: [to Doran, before killing him] Weak men will never rule Dorne again.

Lady: So, it's coin over character. Not surprising.

Ellaria: Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.
- For oberyn.
- All: For oberyn.

High: [reading fowl entrails] In the battle a leader will be saved, and his savior will someday lead.
Moses: [laughs] Then the entrails should also say that we will abandon reason and be guided by omens.

Ellaria: [gets passed up during orgy] No?
Olyvar: I'm sorry. You're lovely. I just never acquired the taste.
Oberyn: You're calling my beauty an acquired taste?
Ellaria: That's quite all right, lover. There's more for you.
Oberyn: [to Olyvar] Your loss.
Olyvar: You like them both the same? Boys and girls?
Oberyn: Does that surprise you?
Olyvar: Everyone has a preference.
Oberyn: Then everyone is missing half the world's pleasure.
[looks at the two girls happily engaged in kissing each other passionately]
Oberyn: The gods made that, and it delights me. The gods made this,
[slaps Olyvar's bare hip]
Oberyn: and it delights me. When it comes to war, I fight for Dorne. When it comes to love, I don't choose sides.

Oberyn: [perusing trio of prostitutes] Look at this one. How lovely is she?
Ellaria: Beautiful. But pale.
Oberyn: We like them pale in the capital.
[slips off the girl's robe]
Oberyn: Shows they don't work the fields.
Ellaria: [to the young girl] Do I frighten you?
[the girl shakes her head]
Oberyn: [to Ellaria] You like?
Ellaria: Timid. Timid bores me.
Oberyn: Mm.
[moves on to the next, a redhead]
Oberyn: You're a bit of mischief, aren't you?
[to: ]
Oberyn: I think she likes you.
[slips this girl's robe off as well]
Ellaria: She's got good taste.
Oberyn: [to the redhead] You're not timid, are you?
Ellaria: [laughs merrily as the agile girl places her bare foot on the back of her own head] Not timid.
Oberyn: Do you like women?
Whore: When they look like her, my lord.
Ellaria: This one will do nicely.
Olyvar: Very good, my lady.
Ellaria: Oh, I'm not a lady.
Olyvar: A term of courtesy in this establishment.
Ellaria: A lie anywhere. Why not use the right words? I'm a bastard. She is a whore. And you're what?
Olyvar: A procurer. Any of the others?
Oberyn: [sighs] The two girls can leave.
[Olyvar snaps his fingers to shoo away the two girls not chosen]
Oberyn: You stay.