The Best Inside Man Quotes

Dillon: I don't count her as a kill. I have a conscience.

Janice: Your maths tutor told me you were lazy.
Ben: Does she think you can change that?
Janice: I don't want to change that.
Ben: Sorry?
Janice: Hard workers are only good at filling up their days. Lazy people look for shortcuts. Maths, when properly understood, is a shortcut.
Ben: Yeah?
Janice: 90% of human inventiveness is an attempt to have more time off and somewhere to sit. Without laziness we'd all be working the fields.

Harry: Basically, you guessed.
Jefferson: Well, yeah. Guessing is how reason proceeds in the absence of fact.

Jefferson: Everyone's a murderer, Beth, all it takes is a good reason and a bad day.

Jefferson: If you truly love someone, never, ever come home early.

Edgar: Where are we going?
Harry: The church.
Edgar: Why?
Harry: Because I'm the f***ing vicar!

Jefferson: Any thinking person is afraid of what they deserve.

Jefferson: Murder is rarely an expression of indifference.