The Best Jenny Quotes

Agnes: Who you talkin' to?
Jenny: [lying] M-myself.
Agnes: Cut it out. You can go crazy that way.

Old: You see, Jenny, my real shape, I mean, the way I really look...
Jenny: Isn't this the way you really look?
Old: No.
Jenny: Have I ever seen you the way you really look?
Old: No.
Jenny: [smiling] Gee, I bet you're icky!
Old: [with mild affront] There are those who found me quite attractive.

Man: [after Ben's two "subjects" have frozen the Doctor and Mrs. Gann, Jenny ushers him into her bedroom and closes the door behind them. When both "subjects" open the door, they find... two Jennys!] Your - uhm - Your Majesty?
[Both Jennys smile and nod in unison]
Jenny: Looks like you'll HAVE to take both of us now.
Jenny: Right; what would the Council say if you brought back the wrong one?
Man: Oh, now - This isn't fair, Your Majesty. This isn't fair at all!
Jenny: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] What makes you think it's MEANT to be fair... Any more so than the Council's rules?
Jenny: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] That's right; the Council wants to make the decisions themselves, with a scapegoat on hand in case their choices backfired.
Jenny: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] In other words, they want to have their cake and eat it as well.
Jenny: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] So If you REALLY want to have us in charge, from now on, you'll just have to let us TAKE charge - and then make the most of what you yourselves demanded.
Man: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] "Us," Your Majesty?
[Both Jennys nod, smiling. With a resigned shrug, both Men usher the girls away]

Jenny: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] I don't understand something. If your people have a Council and all these rules, what do they need a king for?
Old: [CUTTING-ROOM FLOOR-LINE] Well, as a very wise - if somewhat cynical - gentleman once said, "People don't want leadership; they want convenience." That gentleman was my father. And, even if they shouldn't, I suspect his words apply just as much to your planet as to mine.

Old: Well, all those who wish to play Spaceman raise their hands
[All raise]
Old: All right. And this time, Jenny, you're the Martian.
Jenny: Naw.
Old: Oh, it's your turn.
Jenny: I know but, gee, Ben, I can't turn into things the way YOU can.

Jenny: It's a Martian! Somebody shoot!
Howie: [aiming their finger-pistols] Boing-boing-boing-boing...
[Grabbing at his heart, the monster collapses]
Old: I think ya got 'im.