The Best Johnny Cash Quotes

Tommy: Now look, Lieutenant, I'm not gonna try to tell you that Edna and I didn't quarrel. You can't go through a day with Edna without quarrelin'.

Lt. Columbo: You know what the problem is? You're a celebrity. Because of you, my boss, he won't let me close up this case until I covered everything. Every loose end's gotta be tied up. Hey, make you crazy. So that's the problem.
Tommy: That's a cryin' shame. It really is. Man with your talent, real killers loose out there, and they got you chasin' smoke.
Lt. Columbo: Whadda ya gonna do? That's the job, right? You take the good with the bad.

Johnny: You know, a lot of people don't know but my real name was originally Johnny Peppermint. The first time I did a concert, this guy said: 'how do you want the check made out?' and I said 'oh, just make it out to cash.'

Tommy: You got a good ear for music.
Lt. Columbo: Well, you know I'm Italian.

Tommy: If he's busted that guitar, I'm gonna bust his neck.

Lt. Columbo: I'm not here to pry into your personal life.
Tommy: My personal life is an open book. Everybody knows I done time.
Lt. Columbo: Yes, sir, but what you've done since you've gotten out, that's been an inspiration to a lot of people.
Tommy: Then what're you buggin' me for?

Tommy: I'm gonna grab a couple hours shut-eye.
Edna: Well now, if you're thinking of looking for that child that came to the door, you just forget it, because I'll be right back... to make sure that all you're grabbin' is shut-eye.

Tommy: Aren't you afraid, bein' up here alone with a killer?
Lt. Columbo: No, sir. No, sir, I had a feeling that sooner or later...
[switches on the car radio playing "I Saw the Light"]
Lt. Columbo: Sooner or later you would have confessed, even if I hadn't caught you.
Tommy: Yeah, you're right, Lieutenant. I would've... 'cause it was gettin' to me and I'm glad it's over.
Lt. Columbo: Listen, any man that can sing like that can't be all bad.

Tommy: You're a sanctimonious hypocritical Bible spouting blackmailer.