The Best Jordi Mollà Quotes

Santana: [Diaz takes a shot at Riddick's dog and misses] Nice work, Diaz. Encouraging.
Diaz: Had something in my eye.
Santana: It's called a scope. Try it next time.

Santana: Maybe it's time to start merging assets, right?
Boss: So this is you asking for my help?
Santana: This is me saying I may need some of your gear. If some of your guys happen to come attached to that gear, I will understand that's the way it's gotta be.
Boss: So you're asking for my gear's help?
Santana: More like that.
Boss: Moss?
Boss: [Moss leans towards his JetHog and nods] Gear say, "Nah... bitch.
Boss: There's your answer.

Boss: You know who that was, right? On the emergency beacon?
Santana: Wouldn't be here if i didn't.
Boss: The concept of backup still has no appeal to you?
Santana: My besties here can ball with anyone. No disrespect for your crew, of course, who look strong too, in those matchy-matchy outfits.
Diaz: Shit. Didn't know there was a dress code.
Santana: Yeah, right?

Rubio: [the cyclops sensor unit goes haywire. Sanatna shuts it down by pulling the plug] Thank fucking God!
Santana: Fuck off!

Santana: What the fuck do you want, man?
Boss: You know what? I'm gonna fold you in, Santana. But I give orders to Dahl. And Dahl's gonna give orders to you. And that's the chain of command from this point forward.
Santana: Why am I not loving this plan so far? Oh, I know, I know. Because it sucks ass and swallows! I'm not taking orders from your pet whore who think I won't smack her right back...
[Dahl punches Santanta]
Dahl: I don't fuck guys. Occasionally I fuck 'em up if they need it.

Santana: [Boss Johns' ship arrives] Shit. Here comes the neighborhood.

Riddick: When the chains come off Box Boy, you go in the first five seconds.
Santana: Really? And you plan on killing me with what, your mouth?
Riddick: That shiny blade.
Santana: I'd love to see you try.

Nicolás: [coming down from his horse] Do you know anything about polo?
James: I know Ralph Lauren makes a great shirt.