The Best Kenny Bilko Quotes

Malory: Dammit, I told Sterling six o'clock!
Sterling: I *thought* you meant six *A.*M.
Malory: No, six - Sterling, are you drunk?
Sterling: [Drunk, loud, and incoherent] Winner!
Kenny: Nice.
Lana: Archer...
Malory: You knew we were transporting a dangerous terrorist to Canada! So how and why you are drunk at six o'clock?
Sterling: [Slurring] Well, the how's pretty self-explanatory, and the why is because...
Sterling: [hiccough] I thought we were leaving at six *A.*M. *tomorrow*. Ergo - Latin - plenty of time to sleep it off.

Kenny: My boys are bad ass.
Cyril: Well, so am- Lana. And I'm learning. Oh, and don't forget about Archer.
Kenny: The drunk guy?
Cyril: Well, he may have seemed drunk, but he's...
Lana: [off-screen] ... still drinking?
Sterling: [next scene] Relax, Lana, it's just a bloody mary.
Sterling: [toward bartender] And by the way, not a great one, Mr. Vodka and Ketchup.
Lana: Archer, at any time in the next 12 hours, this train could be attacked by radical Nova Scotian separatists.
Sterling: [chuckling] Armed with what? Pamphlets about Canada's responsible gun control laws?
Lana: Ugh, the New Scotland Front *has* guns, and they're not afraid to use them, so...
Sterling: So OK, God! I'll switch to coffee.
Sterling: [to bartender] Hey, Heinz fifty-*six*, can I get an Irish coffee?
Lana: No!
Sterling: Lana, I have to taper off!