The Best Kuroda Quotes

Col. Steve Austin: You'd like to stay here with him in the forest, wouldn't you?
Kuroda: Yes. But you are right, we should get the boy back quickly.

Kuroda: I am sorry to kill you. You have a strange honor, almost Japanese. But you are the enemy.

Kuroda: Moshito say, pain is best crutch.

Kuroda: I have a gift I hope you will accept.
[presents his thousand stitch belt]
Col. Steve Austin: Kuroda, I can't accept your thousand stitch belt, that represents your life.
Kuroda: It's the only thing left I value. Please accept.

Kuroda: [takes something from his bag] Thousand stitch belt. When I joined kamikaze, my mother went into the streets and asked people who passed by to put one knot.
Col. Steve Austin: I've heard of it. One knot, one prayer.
Kuroda: A thousand prayers to carry with you until you die.

Col. Steve Austin: You're going home.
Kuroda: [his face lightens] Home? My mother... my brother... if they still live, how will they greet me?
Col. Steve Austin: You'll soon see.

Kuroda: My family Samurai. Fighting men. My grandfather's father was Samurai and all their fathers before them. The fought for their masters without questioning for hundreds of years. The bushido: the man's honor and duty. Not questons.

Kuroda: A man who has died in his heart does not run away from real death. That is the way of the bushido.
Col. Steve Austin: The bushido tells a man that he must show mercy, doesn't it? That includes compassion for one self.
Kuroda: Too late. Kamikaze meant 'devine wind'. I am like the last wind of the day. The midnight wind.

Col. Steve Austin: I found a path that will get us to the jeep by dark.
[notices Kuroda's foot stuck in a bear trap]
Col. Steve Austin: You've found another trap, huh?
Kuroda: Accident.

Kuroda: I cannot go back.
Col. Steve Austin: Why not?
Kuroda: You must understand. When I left Japan, they clipped my hair and nails for my funeral. I was dead to the war. I cannot out-live it. There is great shame for me.
Col. Steve Austin: What is the shame?
Kuroda: You are not Japanese, you do not understand.
Col. Steve Austin: After the war there were many men thought dead came back to their families. There was no shame, only tears... tears of joy.

Kuroda: You'll make a mistake... and die.
Col. Steve Austin: And you'll win?
Kuroda: I cannot lose. I have nothing.

Kuroda: I had hoped that my enemies would have killed me. There is dishonor in living beyond one's moment.

Kuroda: What kind of a devil are you?
Col. Steve Austin: I'm a man, just like you. You've seen me bleed, the same way.
Col. Steve Austin: [indicating Austin's bionic leg] There's no blood in that leg.

Col. Steve Austin: You know, Kuroda, you've been telling me how hard it is for you to adjust to city life. Imagine how hard it's gonna be for him.
Kuroda: You mean, Gary and I can go back, live in forest?
Col. Steve Austin: For a few months. Then we'll see how it works out.

Kuroda: You, fly through space to the moon, hmm?
Col. Steve Austin: Yes.
Kuroda: And you walk on moon?
Col. Steve Austin: Look, I know it's a little hard for you to believe...
Kuroda: You biggest liar on earth, that's what I believe.

Kuroda: We were not to live with our plane gone. My navigator Ioki did what was right. He committed seppuku. Harakiri.
Col. Steve Austin: And you couldn't. So that makes you a coward, is that it?
Kuroda: He earned his way to heaven. But when I saw him die, I could not do it.

Shige: I'll tell my secretary what men you with to take with you and what supplies you will need.
Kuroda: I need only one man to help me, sir.
Shige: One man?
Kuroda: Yes sir. The man who brought me out of the Philipine jungle. The astronaut, my friend, Colonel Steve Austin.

Kuroda: [hopeful glint in his eye] You kill me?
Col. Steve Austin: No, I won't kill ya. We're both gonna get out of this alive. If I have to tie you up and carry you out an inch at a time. But I won't kill ya.

Col. Steve Austin: Falling boulders a common thing around here?
Kuroda: Sometimes. But that was too close.
Col. Steve Austin: Yeah, you can say that again.