The Best Leadside Quotes

Maxwell: Leadside, you told me you couldn't walk!
Leadside: No, I can't walk, but I can run.
Maxwell: But that's impossible.
Leadside: No, the injury to my spine is a unique one. As long as I am moving with any velocity, I'm alright, but as soon as I stand still or try to walk, I collapse.

Leadside: No tricks, Mr. Smart, we have to get down to the business at hand: phase three.
Maxwell: And just how do you propose to phase three me, Leadside? One shot and all those Control agents will come rolling in here like oranges.

Leadside: Splendid, then phase 2 is about to be completed: the destruction of Control. There's just one thing that's disturbing me...
Kelley: What is that, Leadside?
Leadside: We're traveling at approximately 65 miles an hour, am I correct?
Norman: Yes.
Leadside: And we're all here, you Norman, Kelly, and me?
Kelley: So what's disturbing you?
Leadside: Who's driving the van?

Leadside: [Norman has just fallen out the window] Norman! My mother gave me Norman.