The Best Lemon Quotes

The: A plum does not resent the hungry man, but the farmer who planted the tree.
Ladybug: He resents the farmer?
Lemon: So how do plums have fucking resentments now?
Lemon: Oh. So it can resent?
The: Listen. The White Death is the farmer.
Ladybug: So we're the plums. We're the plums?
Lemon: It don't make sense! Why are you motherfuckers using metaphors?

Lemon: You ever watch Thomas the Tank Engine?
Tangerine: Here we go.
Lemon: Hey, you watch something nowadays, what is it, huh? Nothing. Its twists, violence, drama, no message. What's the point? Huh? What are we supposed to learn? Everything I learned about people I learned from Thomas.

Lemon: That was 16.
Tangerine: You forgot the poor innocent civilian on the street.
Lemon: The fuck you...
Jeff: Hey buddy! Hey buddy, you okay? Oh my-
[Car explodes, 17 flashes on screen]
Lemon: Oh shit! That weren't our fault. That weren't our fault.
Tangerine: Weren't our fault?
Lemon: No.
Tangerine: Well, what would Thomas the tank engine say Lemon?
Lemon: That's really mean.
Tangerine: He'd say, "I'd take responsibility mate."
Lemon: He doesn't sound like that.
Tangerine: HOOT! HOOT!

Lemon: You're a "Diesel!"

- If fate wills,
- I will get my revenge.
Kimura: I'll head to the back and stop as many as I can.
Lemon: I'll go to the driver car and get us the fuck out of here.
- What are you gonna do, joburg?
- I'm gonna buy us some time.

Lemon: Oi, joburg!
- What?
- I'm sorry I shot you!
- Actually it was, like, twice!
- Sorry?
- You shot me twice!

Lemon: Who the fuck are you?
Ladybug: Really? You don't remember me?
Lemon: You look like every white homeless man I've ever seen.