The Best Lisel Quotes

[Sam has to deal with a pair of very flirtatious twins]
Dr. Sam Beckett: [taking them in his arms] Let me ask you, ladies, what... is it exactly that you have in mind?
Lisel: Well, Elsa and I have a political function to attend. And we thought...
Dr. Sam Beckett: [starts kissing them one by one] Something, uh, wild, or something... free?
Admiral: Hey! Is that part of me still in you or what?
Dr. Sam Beckett: Maybe.
Admiral: Stop this!
Elsa: Maybe?
Dr. Sam Beckett: Maybe we should make some of those uptight political types really suffer! So why don't you ladies get out of those clothes, slip into some robes? We'll wash you...
Dr. Sam Beckett: We'll rinse you...
Dr. Sam Beckett: And I'll think of something really nasty for your hair. Rraorr!
[the twins growl back and disappear in a corridor; all the while, Al's face has become longer and longer]
Dr. Sam Beckett: Ha! You're drooling!
Admiral: Of course I'm drooling. Why are you doing this to me? I never had my own little set of twins, ha-ha.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Because you deserve it.
Admiral: Huh?
Dr. Sam Beckett: You nag me if I don't resist women, and you nag me if I do resist...
Admiral: You're doing this to torture me!
Dr. Sam Beckett: Yes. And it's working.