The Best Little Paulie Germani Quotes

Little: [at the prison visitation booth] Ralph told this funny fucking joke though, at... um... at Albert's party. He goes, "Ginny Sack had a 95-pound mole surgically taken off her ass."
Paulie: He said that?
Little: [laughing] Yeah.
Paulie: [angrily] You think it's funny?
Little: That is in bad taste, huh?

Little: So, Patsy, with the necklace, how'd it go with the comare?
Patsy: Beautiful with the little emeralds: she fuckin loved it
Eugene: First, he gave her the emeralds, then he gave her the "pearls"
Little: I got Ebel Watches too, earrings, whatever you need
Benny: My girl's birthday is coming up
Patsy: Some rack on that girl
Little: [jokingly] Yeah, if you can get past the sideburns
Eugene: [after everyone chuckles, to Little Paulie] You should talk: that skank I saw you with, this girl's fuckin mustache, it must've been like kissing a fireman
Little: [while speaking in the stereotypical homosexual male lisp] Well, you ought to know sweety
Eugene: [irritated] What'd you say?
Little: nothing, what? We're just breaking balls

Silvio: [to Patsy] I understand we have some business to discuss? The floor is yours
Patsy: [to Little Paulie] Go on, tell them
Little: I drove out to Youngstown to see uncle Paulie and he was hoping you can settle this shit with Ralph and those no-show carpenter jobs?
Ralph: Ok, for the record, I had my guy go over the books: we can maybe do two carpenter jobs, one no show, one no work
Patsy: two jobs? On a three hundred-million-dollar project?
Silvio: [to Ralph] Come on, what's the real number?
Ralph: [amused] What am I speaking in tongues here? Two, maybe I can do three?
Little: My uncle's looking for at least ten
Patsy: [to Little Paulie after slapping him on the chest] I'm talkin here
Patsy: [to everybody, referring to Paulie] The guy's in the can, you think you want to keep him happy maybe?
Silvio: [before pointing upwards, implying these orders came from Tony] alright, here it is, and this comes from... for the duration, you will give Paulie five carpenter jobs: two no-shows and three no work. One of the no-shows our friend in Youngstown keeps and one he gives to Chrissy here. The others, the no work jobs, that's for Paulie, how he wants to distribute them
Ralph: It is so decreed, now if there isn't anything else?
Silvio: There is something else. With Paulie in the can, there's a new acting capo of his crew: it's Chrissy, that's the way certain people want it, we trust there will be no ill will

Christopher: so?
J.T. Dolan: [sarcastically] yeah good morning to you too
Christopher: [referring to the money he owes Christopher] you got it?
J.T. Dolan: [amused] Jesus you are a fuckin trip,
J.T. Dolan: [introducing himself to Little Paulie by extending his hand] JT, by the way
J.T. Dolan: What the fuck is this, fuckin "Pulp Fiction"?Am I supposed to be afraid?
Little: I don't know, I didn't see it.
J.T. Dolan: [Eventually shrugs] You're really being a prick. I told you I need more time. I don't have the money
Christopher: Then fuckin get it
J.T. Dolan: Chris, you know me, what could you possibly do that I haven't already been through?
Christopher: I'm positive we'll think of something