The Best Liz Reddick Quotes

Diane: We can't take part in this. It's wrong. Not just illegal. It's wrong. What?
Liz: No, I'm just-I'm just thinking.
Diane: About what? You agree with them?
Liz: No, but... I think there is an argument to be made here.
Diane: For hacking? Are you kidding? That goes against everything we stand for as a democracy.
Liz: Not everything.
Diane: What do you mean?
Liz: Well there are counties right now where black people are so terrorized that they can't even show up at polls.
Diane: That's not what I mean...
Liz: Look, look, in Georgia, in 2018, a bus filled of black senior citizens was stopped by the police so they wouldn't be allowed to vote. 53,000 registrations of black voters were held up by the Georgia Secretary of State.
Diane: Liz, I know. I know that this is...
Liz: No, no, Diane, you don't. You don't know. We share a lot of things but we do not share histories. I have a college friend who was kicked off the voter roles in Ohio. And my uncle was denied the right to vote in the last election in Wisconsin. I mean, at some point, these stories become more than just anecdotes. There's something bigger. This democracy, that you talk about, this doesn't exist for a lot of us. It didn't exist for my grandparents. It didn't exist for my parents. And it is slowly being taken away from me.
Diane: Then we fight it in the courts.
Liz: Mhm. The courts. The courts that overturned the Civil Rights Voting Act in 2013? So excuse me if I need a moment to reflect on this... unique possibility. One person hits a few buttons and suddenly black voters are re-enfranchised. That means something very different to me than it does to you.