The Best Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Season 1, Episode 14 Quotes

Lois: I like being surprised, as long as I know about it in advance.

Lois: [to Nick, who is currently brainwashed by the television] How long have you been in here?
[Nick is unresponsive as he continues to look at the tv]
TV: You are watching The Magic Channel.
Lois: [glancing to the tv for a minute before looking at Nick] You're really giving TV a bad name.
[she begins pacing around the room]
Lois: There must be a way out of here.
[She stops to look at Scotty again]
Lois: Don't worry, I'm a very capable...
[She trails off as she looks at the tv again]
TV: You are watching The Magic Channel.
Lois: [slowly losing her consciousness] What was I...? Right, got to...
[Lois ultimately trails off one last time when she turns her attention back to the television]
TV: You are watching The Magic Channel. You are watching The Magic Channel.
[Now completely hypnotized, Lois and her whole body become stiff as she stares at the tv with a blank stare]

Lois: [to Cat after finding out that Arthur Chow married someone else] That's too bad. I already had my wedding present picked out for you. Personalized stationary: "From the desk of Cat Chow."

Nicky: Look, that's the box I was in.
Lois: Well, at least we know there's nothing surprising about this trick anymore.
[opens the box to see a dead body inside and closes it fast]
Lois: No. No surprise

Lois: A trick's a trick no matter how big or small, once you figure it out it's not magic any more.

Clark: Close your eyes.
[Lois gives him a look]
Clark: Close them.
[Lois closes her eyes]
Clark: Count to three.
Lois: [reluctantly] 1, 2, 3
[opens her eyes and there are flowers sitting on her desk]
Lois: How did you do that?
Clark: If I told you, it wouldn't be magic anymore.