The Best Lou Quotes

Lou: My boss has a big Beijing trip. I've been planning it for months. I was just tired and dehydrated and...
Thirteen: Yeah, whenever I lose some shut-eye, I pound my legs, clawing at imaginary ant colonies.

Thirteen: [to Lou] I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. Your choices are your choices.
Lou: You're not like me. Maybe you have wings.
Thirteen: I have Huntington's Chorea. Dozen years or so, my nervous system, my cognitive skills, even my emotional balance... they'll all start to fray. I won't be able to fly. I won't be able to walk. I won't be able to breathe.
Lou: And you want to make sure your life matters.
Thirteen: [nods] I don't want to just... be tightening bolts and following instructions. I want something... to be different because of me.

Lou: I would rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings.

Lou: Hey, who are you?
Thirteen: This is Dr. House. He's too brilliant for introductions.

Lou: I'm pregnant?
Dr. Lawrence Kutner: You want to call the father and let him know?
Lou: Soon as you do some DNA testing, let me know.