The Best Luckiest Girl Alive Quotes

Lolo: You just say what it is that you want, not what everyone else wants, and then you do that.

Ani: It's about the importance of all of us speaking freely, even if people wanna silence us. So that we can become the kind of women our younger selves would admire.

[first lines]
Ani: [narrating] It's 2015, and people still act like marriage is some kind of crowing achievement for women. That is a trap that I did not fall into. I dove in head first...

Ani: I've managed to not eat lunch for six years, just to have this joker call me petite.

Lolo: When I count my blessings, I count you twice.

Lolo: If you tell anyone I just told you...
Ani: I won't.
Lolo: No, about it being 38 years since I was a teenager, I will hunt you down and make you eat a carb.